I am looking for some opinions and insite...

A new Derm that I went to see this week at Hershey Medical center here in PA who is a Scalp and skin specialist has suggested I try squaric acid treatment.

Has anyone used this treatment and what is your opinion or outcome? I know everyone reacts differently but just trying to see if this is something I want to try.


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My daughter continues to do it despite her regrowth. We were doing it for maintenance, once a week, but now that she has a few spots we do it 5-6 days a week now. You have to do what you feel comfortable with. You find that everyone has a different experience.

Can you tell me what %age you started at for sensitization and then what you decreased it to?  For example I started with a tester at 2%, then for home treatment I started at .001, then .01, etc.  My son was started at .5 and never given any other amount.  It seems my dermatologist is going backwards from all that I am reading on this site.  She started daily, then worked back.  Also, she started when he only had a patch, no regrowth in 4 months.  Then he developed seborrheic dermatitis and started having diffuse alopecia areata, so I stopped the treatment for 4 weeks, then was told to restart 1-2x per week by the dermatologist.  He continues to lose hair at a rapid rate.  I'm wondering when the slow down occurs and if anyone saw hair loss during this process?


I have not used the treatment, but I live 10 miles from Hershey, and would love to get the name of the scalp and skin specialist.

Hi Cindie. He is at hershey Medical center and his name is Dr. Miller. He is a very nice doctor. You do however need a referal from either a dermatologist or your family dr. in order to get in there. I had to wait 8 months for an appt even with a referal!!

I tried squaric acid for awhile and unfortunately it didn't do anything for me, but my alopecia seems to be caused by a medication I take, so until I stop that it doesn't look like anything will help the hair regrow. There was a little redness and itchiness, but nothing too bad. My derm said he's seen a lot of good results from it, just my case is a bit more complicated due to some other medical issues/medications that I take. Good luck!

Thanks Adam...I am still at a toss up if I wanna try it or not. I have tried a bunch of other topicals, injections and oral steroids and nothing helped. :(

Hi Becca,
I just read what you wrote. I went to my dermo today for my regular two week injection and he said that he wanted to this thing called DPCP I'm wondering if it's the same as the squaric acid. It sounds the same. He rubbed it on my head today and told me to come back in two weeks. I'm very nervous about it. I hope I don't loss the little hair I have. Does anyone know if it just effects the spots or your the hair you have?

Hi Becca. I am also on the fence about trying this. My derm also suggested trying it, but like you, I have some regrowth and I don't want to mess that up. On the other hand, my hair seems to be at a standstill and many people have had good success with this treatment.


I went through 4 months of squaric acid treatments and it did nothing for me. I can tell you that I have an extreme case of AU and lost all of my hair in about 2 weeks. There was some discomfort and inflammation that occurred after treatment but it lasted only about 3 days immediately after the acid was put on my head. I decided after 4 months that the discomfort was not worth it and if my hair was going to grow back, it would have to do it on its own. I have been "hairless" for 8 months and have spent many tearful hours wondering "why me?" and have come to the realization that my hair does not define me and I am lucky to have friends and family who are very supportive. It has been a humbling time in my life and has really helped me put things in perspective.

If you feel like you should try it...I would definitely do it. There have been pretty good results with many AA sufferers. I am just an extreme case and not the norm.I know that I felt that if there was ANY chance that it would work...I had to try or I would have always wondered. Hope this helps...Best of luck to you.


Thank you for the responce and the link to your post. I went bck for my second appt and my derm put a spot of 5 different strenghts on my scalp and told me to wait about 2 weeks and call him (he is over an hour away so he said to call to save a trip) and let him know where I see irritation. Problem is I do not really see irritation in any of the spots so I am not sure what to do :(


I wanted to ask you...Once you had regrowth do you have to continue to apply this treatment or do you stop it unless you see it starting to fall again?

Hi Becca,
I wanted to ask you how you are doing? Have you seen any blistering or redness? Im going today for a treatment. Im a bit nervous.Let me know how your treatment is doing. Thanks, Lori



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