Stories from the front lines...or really weird/funny things that have happened over the years

Okay, from time to time I will post something odd/funny that happened to me in regards to my alopecia areata.

I have had AA for 41 years so far, and there is a lot of time for story fodder. Things that make me laugh looking back at them.  Some might read some and say "how is that funny?"  And to them I say...Personally, I made a decision a long time ago that Alopecia was not going to define my view of the least not in a negative way.

I'll start off with a cute little story of being a dad...and the look you get when it's bath time and you don't have any idea what to do in regards to a simple task.

My daughter was a few months old, and my wife had been bathing her regularly since I was working a lot and she was home at the time.  A month or so into it, she looked at me and said that I was going to have to start helping, which I had no problem with, I was actually looking forward to it.

We drew the bath and got her into the little tubby thing.  My wife looks at me and says, "wash her hair and I will be right back.  With that she left the room.  She returned a few minutes later with me splashing Hannah with water.  Hair still dry.

She just looked at me with that look that says, what are you doing?  She wassn't mad, and simply told me that I wasn't going to hurt her by washing her hair.  I nodded and said simply, "I have no idea what I am doing."

Quizzical look and then it dawned on her.  "Just a little drop of shampoo is enough to do her hair."  Then she started laughing.  As did I as I washed the babies hair.  "You really had no idea how much shampoo to use?"

"Nope.  Never used it, and when I did get my hair washed, my mom did it cause I was three."

We still laugh about it to this day.  

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That reminds me of the time I was trying to get into a bar while not wearing my wig.  The guy at the door took about 5 - 10 minutes to believe that it was me, and that I wasn't just trying to use a fake ID.  

I got the "I can't even pretend to blame you for all the hair in the sink" line thrown at me by my wife.


I have a million stories but a picture is worth a thousand words...NAAF Washington DC 2012. Meow!!!

I'' always using wigs ! And when I told my sis I'll washed my hair , they asked me " which one " they mean real hair or wig ! But sometimes it's funny cos with alopecia you have a lot of hairs to washes

My mom always used to laugh at herself when she used to tell me to go "put your hair on" when she wanted me to get ready to go somewhere.

I remember I was out with a friend and someone asked if that was my real hair. and at the time I wore wigs.  I replied "yes" and as he walked away turned to my friend and said "I paid for it".


When I was transition from wigs, I use to wear hats and when I wanted to be real cool, I would just wear one earring.  At the time my niece had only seen me with long (Diana Ross type) wigs and alopecia had not really been explained to her yet.  I did my first TV interview and afterwards went to visit my parents in my new hat.  My niece was there, she looked at me and I was sure she was going to ask where is my hair or how did I fit all of the hair under my hat.  Instead she leaned over and asked me why was I only wearing one earring. ;)

Oh yeah. I used the I paid for it, it's my hair line a few times.

These are great!!!

My daughter developed Alopecia at 2 1/2.

When she finally got a wig at 5 she wanted to wear it out to dinner. Halfway thru the meal she got tired of it and just reached up and took it off. Amazing how quiet the room

She still does it now and then and I always love to watch reactions out of the corner of my eye.

She has a shelf of wigs but just doesn't like to wear them other than 'fun'.

That brings me to my next story...

Okay then. A few years after I was wearing wigs, my family took a daycation to a beach.

Now, I had been told over and over how functional the wigs were and that I could even swim in them. Now seeing as we were getting my wig styled a few days later, my mom said I could try swimming in it if I wanted.Everyone we were with knew me from my birth )or theirs). There was a few others don the beach a ways, so...

I decided to go for it and give it a shot. We were basically the only ones on the beach, so I ran and dove into the water to swim. Went under and immediately regretted it. It felt like what I imagine wearing a wet mop (you knkow those stringy kinds that you have to use the ringers on) would feel like. I surfaced and the thing was just flooding water into my fface. I don't know how people with hair stand that personally.

Being very near sighted and a little ways from shore, I saw someone on the beach, who I thought was my mom. I mean she was in a chair, and had blondish what did I know, everything else was basically blobs of color.

I started walking in to shore and in one grand movement put my hand on the back bottom of my wig and proceeded to pull iit off my head on a forwards motion. Mind you, I am doing my young version of cursing this thing out as werll. eeeewing and oh my goshing it as I walk towards who I thought was my mom.

It was a little too late as I realized I had floated a little ways down the beach and had ripped my hair off in front of some poor unsuspecting woman who was just trying to get some sun and read a book. My verbal trail was enough that she had apparently gotten up and took a few steps forward as I removed my hair from my head. Thankfully she didn't pass out, but simply packed everything up rather quickly and left before any of us could explain to her what had just happened.

To this day, I have to wonder what exactly went through her mind as this 6' 4" lankyy kid came out of the water calling for his mom to help him as he walked towards shore and then ripped the top of his head off.

Good times were had by all...except that poor wonman. To her, I offer my apologies...but that was some funny stuff.

I have the same outlook on life as you.  I am 43 and have AU....(with some regrowth for the 1st time, fingers crossed) 

I have had AA in one form or another since I was 13. 

4 years ago my daughter was 2 and I had 50% hairloss on my head and I made the big decision to shave it off. It was going to look better than the funny hair cuts and combovers I had. I didn't want to go to the beach that summer with my kids and worry about how I would look coming out of the water with out a hat.

So I made the big move. I had a moment of why me, then started shaving. I took it really well. I made a funny video while I was shaving.

I told my 7 year old son what I was doing. He said I looked real good. He was honest and said that he would need a couple minutes to get used to my new look.

Then it was time to make my reveal to my 2 year old daughter. I sat her down, told her that I had something to show her. When I took off my hat, her eyes took in my new look, she grabbed my hat and sweetly put it back on my head. She was not ready for my new look.

Now my kids sometimes give my shinny head a kiss and say "Grow Grow Grow". The kisses help. The peach fuzz on my head proves it.

Hello, I like this forum.  It's good to can be funny at times.  I was trying to think of a funny story, and I guess I've been a little too sensitive because I could not come up with many.  So thanks for this.  I guess my very first comment came from my little cousin, 7-yr old male.  He was one of those kids who  said whatever came to mind, regardless of politeness or your feelings.  It really made you neverous being out in public with him.  So in my first month shaved he came over  and was giving me the stare.. I couldn't help but ask him, because he would tell the truth. So I told him I had to shave it off and was it ugly...he says 'it's a little bit ugly"..and I was satisfied, then he came back 5 minutes later and said he liked it.  That's all I needed! Bald ever since!!




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