
Just newly diagnosed with Alopecia Areata.

I am otherwise fit, healthy and with no blood deficiencies.

Do you think stress is a big factor in developing this?

I have been very stressed at work and felt like I was on a hamsters wheel.

Unable to fully relax and switch off from my work.

I have been off my work now for 3 weeks but every time I wash my hair more is coming out and my bald patch is getting bigger.

This is obviously causing more anxiety and stress.

I am seeing a counsellor today through my work to discuss the situation.

It is very hard to say if stress is the problem or not.

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Boy do I ever believe that.

In Early 1982 my family and I moved from IL to a farming community in MN. Both of us had very god paying jobs in IL.  6 months after moving my husband lost his job.  My kids were on free meals at school.  A farmer hired him, but the pay was only $900 a month.  My hair started falling out in one big mass.  

Fast forward to 1990. Hair came back and stayed until 2011.  My mother died the day after my birthday in 2010.  I'm an only child and all responsibility fell to me.  February of 2011 hair fell out again.  I have been bald since then.  I really don't think it will come back.

Hi AileenC
Seems like stress or trauma. For me it was an extremely traumatic experience while in the army. I had AU from the start I lost every hair on my body in 8 days. So now Ive got that to handle. I believe the experts who say we carry this thing from birth. It just takes enough stress or trauma to make it start.
I've had AU for 40 years I can accept it now. That took years to do. Go see your counsellor I'm in therapy for ptsd. It helps to talk to some who will listen and have empathy for you.
Good luck on your journey through this . Remember you are a unique person. God made you and He doesn't make mistakes.
my alopecia started with a few patches at 21 years old... it was a very stressful year for many reasons.
I believe stress can be a trigger but the condition is in me

I saw the counsellor at work and she has advised me not to go back to work.

I work in Community Nursing in the UK.

Due to her holidays etc I cannot see her for a month.

I have been so fit and healthy all my life. My attendance record at work has been excellent for years too so this has hit me like a ton of bricks.

I feel physically and emotionally burnt out :(

It is so sad to read everyone else's stories on here.

Why would you stop working? Just throw on a wig you like and keep learning those paychecks!

I feel I cant work because of the stress I have been under at work.

I feel this has caused the alopecia.

I get paid for 6 months within the NHS if I am off sick.

I am trying to recover and help my body.

I am constantly stressed because I have a very nervous job, after which I am afflicted all evening in myself. But my friends advised me to do what I like. I decided to take a chance and leave my old job. I really hope that I will succeed.

For me, yes.

Stress and extreme trauma.  

I personally cannot see how this condition relates to stress. I had AA first when I was 7 years old. A very happy stress free 7 year old. AA came and went through my early years , good hair / bad hair and through out all this time I had no stress to activate a swing between the good and bad hair. Babies as young as 2 years old are diagnosed with AA. Are they stressed! AA is an autoimmune disease in the family of psoriasis etc and I do not accept it's stress related. I took 18 months out of society in 2005 and lived in South America with no financial worries and ate well and relaxed all the time during this 18 months. My hair condition was unchanged. It continued to fall out and grow back the same as it did when I was working and living in Ireland.
I agree and cannot accept either that this is stress related. However it is proven than autoimmune disease can be trigger.
for example healthy patients who were given Accutane can suddenly develop AA. we still ignore what can trigger them. it is not impossible that a major stress can trigger the disease. that would be the most importance I could give to stress. to me it's in our genes unfortunately like it or not.

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