Just wondering how everyone is and how you handle the stress (ors) of daily life.

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I am a stress case and I'm sure it had something to do with at least triggering my alopecia. I try to get exercise and I bought a yoga tape for stress relief. I could use some advice too!
smoke pot. take vitamins(B2/B12/Folic Acid). bellydance. aroma therapy/scalp massage (rosemary, cedarwood, grape seed oil. jojoba oil, lavender, thyme).

works for me :D
yeah smoke pot take lots of viamins work out weight train dance get a dance mat and sweat your butt off , lavender grapeseed oil 2 and the herbal tabs valerian try to divide your life with equal amounts of ying and yang stay positive stay away form negaive peeps keep a good sense of humour and keep smile n xxx and let yor self be loved and love back
Wine works well, at least for me! A glass or two at night is all you need :-)
Wel my best stressbuster is music! I listen to all kinds of music, from dance to slow. I luv to dance!



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