hi Everyone. I'm new in this group and so grateful to have found it.

I am female, 41 and also newly diagnosed. So I am on rogaine x2 a day and on a greasy cream called Pro-topic- which makes no sense because I don't know how I will be in the public. I've been hiding for 4 days now. I am waiting for my biopsy results and in 4 weeks when my stitches have closed; they're supposed to give me some injections.

Is anyone with FAA willing to share some stats? 
Here are my questions:

1) how long ago have you been diagnosed? 

2) what are you on?
3) do you see any improvement?

4) how old are you?

Thank you so much.

Views: 1812

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It seems to be. My hairdresser definitely sees growth where there was none. I don’t feel particularly objective when I look at my hair.
I put the momesoate froate on in the AM. Before bed, I put on the topical dutasteride and then do everything else that I do before putting the rogaine in. So, I let the dutasteride sink in for 15-30 minutes.

If the pain bothers you, you should first talk to your doctor about possible treatment of the problem and taking medical marijuana, as it is, as far as I know, indicated for people with certain indications for this. II didn't have that but my dog had the same thing. And I order for him CBD oil on https://www.healthcanal.com/best-cbd-oil/dogs. People of course have a different body, but you should still consult about medical marijuana not on forums, but in the office at the doctor's appointment. Be careful.

I hope it will be a good acquisition as my budget is limited

I also take vitamin D periodically and it helps me feel much better. Also, in order to strengthen my immunity, I take theOPC Vital complex, which contains high quality grape seed extract from France., which I order on the website https://www.vitaminexpress.org/uk/opc-vital-opc-capsules This complex contains 100 mg of vitamin C from amla berries.

If you have been thinking about investing in some sort of indoor marijuana delivery service, dab rigs may be just what the doctor ordered. The benefits of indoor growing are numerous. You will be able to keep an eye on your plants from inside the space. You can also control the growth of your plants much more precisely than if you were outside, which means you’ll be able to remove diseased plants. I got my dab rig from https://mjarsenal.com/collections/mini-dab-rigs. The only thing standing between you and a fantastic high is this one.



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