baricitinib has come up in the big xeljanz thread a few times, but it's hard to follow topics and posts in a large thread like that so we should try to keep things organized. 

There was a user here, aladdin, who had attempted to obtain some research-grade baricitinib for himself. But he is no longer a member here so I was unable to follow up with him. 

Google doesn't have a lot of information about it as of yet. Please post any questions, information or news articles about baricitinib in here

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Hi there,

I live in Melbourne Australia. I was prescribed the baracitinib as my case was severe. I had tried metatraxate and others but didn’t work. So was put on this. The public hospital here worked out some deal with a compounding pharmacy so it only cost me 60$ a month for the tablets which is great.

Hi guys,

this is about 7 weeks in. As you can see there are tiny white/blonde hairs growing on top of my scalp and sides of head. Also these hairs are very minimal on my eyebrows too. Just updating you guys and wondering has people seen these signs before ! Thanks 


Hey Joseph,

just wondering how your hair growth is coming along on baricitinib? 



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