I just got off the phone trying to reserve a spot for a friend of mine about to go through chemo and myself to be taught scarf tying, wig care, how to do makeup, etc. and they won't let me take it because I don't have cancer. This is the second time that the BIG C-word comes up when I try to do something. My insurance ONLY covers a wig if I have CANCER. I am a healthy 47 year old who has accepted alopecia and looks like a person going through chemo....so has others experienced this? Is there somewhere we can voice our opinions about this disease and to let our government to put a mandate for insurances to cover wigs for alopecia. It's crazy....my insurance company has to spend thousands of dollars on chemo/cancer treatments when all they have to do is cover a simple wig for someone that is bald and won't get her hair back. At least (most of the time) chemo patients do get their hair back. Oh well...I feel better that I could say this here! Thanks for any of your feedback in advance!
Yes it is through the cancer society...Look Good, Feel Better. I think that is crazy that you have to have gone through chemo. I actually bought a custom fit wig that was VERY expensive, but I knew they wouldn't cover it from the research I have done. It bothers me but even more so they don't recognize alopecia as an illness. It's just really strange.
Hi, I'm currently in Australia (i'd plan to come here as my hair began falling out and so by the time I got here I had none) Anyway, I looked for some sort of help here and I emailed the Australian Look Good Feel Better (which is the same organisation) and they were so lovely and invited me along and it is totally worth it. The thing is though, everyone else did have cancer so I felt a little like I was intruding and didnt have the right tobbe there as opposed to being told I couldnt.
Overall though the things they teach you there are so useful for us, they showed me different wigs, different scarves and things to do with makeup such as eyebrows which I needed desperately.
Maybe it would be worth contacting the organisation and seeing if they could do a couple of groups specifically for people with alopecia? If enough of us asked for it, I'm sure they'd have to at least consider?
I like to laugh about this...... Its a strange thing..... Why do I have to pay alot for something which is free and people shave it off.I will never understand. And its funny tooo that its because of people I can't go bald without people being noisy or thinking I have the BIG C.Wigs give me the peace of mind of being a undercover werewolf. And wigs in the north pole aka my secret location ain't that great.Sometimes I think why bother? If you want to be taught wig care,scarf tying, make up ask me? Free of charge and you can ask any amount of questions and will show you youtube videos that helps...Make up I learnt through a friend who is a make up artist. And now I am good at it.But that's just how to do the eyelashes and I can put on false eyelashes.
Can't help you on the insurance-all companies are different. But about being part of a makeup and head coverings support thing-my experience at being both a cancer patient as well as someone with long standing total AU is that the two groups just don't mix. Cancer patients don't understand AU-they are too stressed and too new to the whole hair loss thing to be able to be supportive. They are so very distraught at losing their hair, that they often say things that are kind of off topic or maybe even insensitive to those of us who have learned to live with hair loss. And since they have had no time to do research, they are rally at the mercy of local high priced salons who sell them expensive synthetic wigs-often one that has been sitting on a shelf for months in the salon and already looks worn out.
Their need for support over hair loss and make up is kind of immediate.
I suggest you join Bald Girls Do Lunch BGDL-a great source of info on makeup and scarves etc.
When I was first diagnosed with AU (11 years ago), I went to battle with my insurance company on this exact issue. I took it all the way to the insurance commissioner of the state that I lived in with pictures of my bald head - trying to convince them that my condition was a disease and my request for wig coverage was not cosmetic. I got no where! It's frustrating and unfair and this does need to be changed. I think some insurance companies are allowing one wig (for a lifetime)..what a joke. I mostly wear my scarves now but I strongly feel this is an issue that needs to be addressed.
Susan Beausang
Thank you for your reply Susan...it is super frustrating! I have already emailed our alabama insurance commission and got this response:
The Department of Insurance does not control health insurance company underwriting requirements and benefits. Listed at our web site www.aldoi.gov you can find a link for “Laws, Bulletins and Regulations. There are some health related requirements in these you may research. However, I’m not aware of anything referring to hair prosthetics. -----
Keep in mind health insurance is a fast changing area mostly controlled or guided in the future by the new federal government regulations. In my opinion, insurance companies at this point are concerned about basic coverage affordability and an uncertain market which will affect their mere sustainability. At this time there a lot of unanswered questions and future issues we are all waiting to resolve.------
I don’t believe this Insurance Department undertakes initiating special recommendations unless it is a general public and consumer protection issue that effects a certain number of population. It may be a political issue for your local State Representative. Good luck on your endeavor. -----
SO my next step is to BUG one of our state reps/senator who goes to our church and see what I can do next. Already emailed him but still haven't heard back from him yet. :-(
Thanks again! Sue
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