I have been suffering from AA since September 2015. I have been getting injections monthly, but my hair loss continues to spread--roughly half of my hair is gone. Even the hair that has started to grow in appears to just fall right out again.

My question is-- is Prednisone worth it? My doctor says she could put me on it for 6 weeks, but filled me in on the side effects. She says it works for some, but not for others. If my hair loss is stopped in its tracks, will it just fall right out again after the 6 weeks of treatment is up? Is 6 weeks even long enough to experience the roughest of the side effects?

For those who have tried it, what was your experience?

I'm wondering if I should forgo the Prednisone and embrace the beauty of wigs-- I just don't want to completely write off Prednisone if it has been worth it for some.

Thank you!!

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Thank you for your reply. I truly hope this is something that can be remedied and your life goes on unscathed by that poison.  

Hi Claire,

I am so sorry to hear you are experiencing Alopecia.  I have battled this disease for 15 years now.  Last summer, at a point when my hair was at it's best in years, it suddenly all fell out.  I was on Methotrexate at the time.  I have tried just about everything to keep my hair.  Years and years of steroid injections, sometimes along with oral Prednisone.  I look back now and wish that I had come to terms with the reality of this disease and never put myself through all those treatments.  My hair never looked great and it was so stressful all the time wondering if it was going to get worse, or can people tell, or please don't let the wind blow today thoughts, etc.  I got a wig last summer and wish I had taken this path YEARS ago.  People can't tell, and my hair looks so full and healthy that it is a treat to have such great hair!!  This disease sucks; there is no other way to put it.  But, getting a good wig and moving on with life has been the best thing I did.  I wish you all the best as you make your decision.  

I couldn't agree more Claire! Acceptance is power
Absolutely! And there is a world of difference between acceptance and resignation.

I totally agree!

Hi Claire,

I got AA about 15 years ago when I was 17 and after a few years of patchy it progressed to almost AT. I went to see a doctor just over a month ago to discuss treatment options given recent developments and we settled on pulse therapy of Prednisolone (50mg/day). It's been just under 5 weeks and I'm seeing growth all over, especially my beard but also eyebrows, eyelashes and hair (still too thin and light to tell if it's 100% though so might wind up looking like a badger again!). The plan now is to gradually reduce the dosage to 10mg/day and replace with a steroid alternative (tbd). I've not experienced any unpleasant side effects so far - quite the opposite actually, I feel great on it - and naturally I'm very excited at the prospect of having eyebrows again, let alone hair, but my doctor was pretty clear that it's not sustainable in the long term, hence the plan to reduce and replace.

Can keep you posted if you like. Best of luck.


I am very keen to hear your progress. You are the first person i've heard of whom has or is taking Prednisolone - rather than Prednisone. I am very interested to know how this treatment goes for you Smudge.   

I believe prednisolone is prednisone under another name.

My former dermatologist put me on oral prednisone without bothering to tell me of the side effects.  I was on 20 mg daily for 2 months.  It worked briefly, but when the time was up, the hair just fell out again.  I also went to my eye doctor about 5 months later, and for the first time, had very high eye pressure, and cataracts.  Never had these problems before, so I looked up Prednisone and sure enough, high eye pressure and a particular type of cataracts (more aggressive ones) caused by Prednisone were right at the top of the list of bad side effects.  Doctors will try to tell you that 20 mg daily for 2 months is not enough time for these problems to occur.  While that is true for the vast majority of people, it is not true for everyone.  I was the exception, and I now have to have cataract surgery on both eyes soon.  I have always been a healthy person, never heard of Prednisone, did not know it was a steroid, and that it suppresses the immune system.  I had the shots later (after the oral Prednisone) and found that the hair grew back in the area, but then fell out again, and new spots began forming at the same time.  Do your homework and find out what possible side effects medications may have.  Doctors don't always give us the information we need. Just beware of anything that suppresses the immune system, as it does not always work and can leave you with other problems.

I was on prednisone for 4/5 years for polymyalgia rheumatica which is another autoimmune condition. Yes it helped me with the pain but it did not grow my hair back at all, plus I've been left with painful stiff joints and osteoarthritis in my spine. It is a miracle drug for some but it has a very nasty sting in its tail. 



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