Alopecia World :) First I would like to say THANK YOU, to every one of you on this site that helped me during this difficult journey! I have wanted to post for awhile now, but I just couldn't find the words! It has been such an emotional journey and although I am hoping it is over, I still have all the fears that it will return :( This is very difficult for me to write because I know some of you have unfortunately lost more hair than I had, but I also want to give some hope too. I have had total regrowth! Woohoo :) For those of you that do not know, I ended up losing about 75-80% of my hair, along with a few small patches periodically of eyebrows and eyelashes :( As I was losing my hair, it was very pinkish on the scalp and extremely itchy! It was coming out in clumps and I was devastated! Luckily for me, I was able to wear baseball caps for awhile because it still looked like I had hair in a ponytail...thank you God for giving me so much hair! I had gone through every test under the sun and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Although all doctors said, it was stress for me that caused the hair loss and then causing even more stress...watching it all fall out! I then switched over to the bandanas after the ballcaps were no longer doing their job. After what seemed like forever, my hair finally slowly started growing back in, but not in the way it fell out! It starting filling in from the outside of all "my circles" in and it came back, very strange! It was very thin, like the hair on a new baby's head, with a lot of it being curly. It was almost clear in color, but then, at about an inch long...all of a sudden the pigment/color would go into the hair! Except for the ones that had become permanently grey lol, but like I would always say...I'll take it any color: brown, grey, purple, blue! I didn't care, as long as there was hair! My hairdresser said it was not a coincidence that I had started using a new shampoo...along with going to see a therapist :) That's probably the best thing I ever did! He said because the shampoo had zinc in it, that helped it jump start it's regrowth! I never did injections because the dermatologist said it was just to rapid for that procedure :( I did do one round of steroids though (early on) and I decided not to do any more after that one though. I completely made up my mind, that if this is the way I am supposed to be, then so be it! Anyways, it could be way worse! But with that being said, I never gave up hope that some day in the distant future, it may come back :) I wish each and every one of you total regrowth also :) Thank you again!!!

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Judy you are a lovely person and you have the right outlook on life!  

Hallo Judy , your  hairdresser said it was learning how to cope with the stress and then the shampoo just jump started the regrowth.

I think, your hairdresser is right!  I had so much stress , when I have lost my hair . Then I had much more stress , because I was worry about my hair . I was worry , my hair will not come back . Then I have desided not to worry so much about my hair  . Then I visited a young doctor , he gave me some drug " Carison Crinale " ( with Kortison ) . It helped me. But I think, not only this drug helped me . I left stress , it also helped me , I think so !   


Hallo Judy , I think , it is good you have shared with the others. The others will  hope it will the same  with them.  I have also total regrowth ! I have lost about 95 % my hair and I was very sad. Now I am happy , I have about 80  % my hair back !  

I wish everybody they do not loose hope to have their hair back !  

how long did it take for your hair to grow back? did it happen randomly or did u make a lifestyle change? Thanks for the help 

Hey Jason, well I started losing my hair April 2 years ago. Mine actually feel out very rapidly. I noticed my first two spots on a thurs and they were about the size of a nickel when I first found them. I was luckily able to get an appt with a derm that following tues and by then my 2 spots had now become about 9-10 so as you can imagine it was quite quick. With the original two spots much larger by then. My two original spots actually grew in by about Nov, but again they were very small. It was the month prior that I started using the shampoo. I actually remember that because I took it to Disney with was the first thing I packed haha! By that same time the following year, I went to get a haircut, finally! I was so excited. Then my father passed away just 7 days later and I thought for a brief second, oh no what if it all leaves...again! Then I thought, whelp, if it does, it does! As much as I would like to stay...I can't stop it :( I was very lucky in a way because of the hair that remained was along my hairline. So as it was growing in I could still wear a ball cap and make it look like I had hair, well, other than the fact that my ponytail was only about a 1/4 inch around. The only thing I did different was the shampoo and the therapist. Well I also stopped using everything with TRICLOSAN in it. It did not grow in all at the same time and even when I got my haircut, my hairdresser (he's awesome by the way) was able to cut and style my hair so that they would be covered. It was at this point that I was so thankful that I hadn't shaved the remaining off. Never thought I would be saying that! I still didn't feel quite comfortable with this "new" hair so I would just tie a scarf to cover the remaining missing hair on top! That one felt like it took the longest. I did notice though that the hair would not grow in, until the redness was gone. Sorry this was so long but wanted to make sure you had the details. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask! I took some time off of here, but will be checking in now everyday because I was there and I remember wanting to ask others questions and hearing their feedback! I so wish none of us needed this site, but that's not the case and for me this site meant everything to me! I was so glad I found it, I didn't alone! Take care :)

Hi. My name is Mark Hansen and I live on the east side of Milwaukee. I have had Alopecia Universalis, no body hair from head to toe, no eye brow eye lashes, etc, for over 45 yrs. I started losing my hair a little when I was about 8. By 12 it started to fall out in patches until it was almost all gone at about 13-14. My teenage years were, to say the least, hell. My parents bought me my first wig at age 15. I wore one, Hid under one until I was about 48, and finally took it off, that was 10- yrs ago. But you cant hide the fact that you have no facial hair or eye brows. Nonetheless, whatever courage the wig was supposed to give me turned out to be an inhibitor, and I rarely took enough chances over the years, in college, at work etc. To this day I have been single and never married. I never had a girlfriend or relationship in my whole life.

As far as your hope for re-growth, I pray it may happen, but it may not. It sounds like you have Alopecia Areata. And the  only thing that is predictable, unless you have the extent of my condition, is its complete unpredictability. 

One other important thing. Back in1991 I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid gland. One of the many symptoms of that is thinning or falling hair. I have been taking a generic product called Lovoxithyrine for over 20 years. But my hair has not come back because, even though I have hypothyroidism, my hair loss is due to Alopecia, not my thyroid problem.  It can be easy to mix the two symptoms up. All you need is a simple blood test to find out. Considering all the various symptoms of thyroid disease, I would bet that there are more people in the U.S. that have this condition, an under or over active thyroid, and don't know it, than that have it and get it treated. Thanks

Mark S Hansen 

MARK - I am not trying to give anyone false hope, I just wanted to share my story with everyone because I do truly believe that it was the shampoo that really started the regrowth! The way it was explained to me was that the body is capable of coping with everyday stress, but when you have a huge stressor come into your life (as I did, with the passing of my mother) the body just can't respond to all the different chemicals that are released...DAILY! Reduce the stress, then that reduces the inflammation caused by all the additional hormones that your body releases because of the stress. My body was stuck in a fight or flight mode, which is now actually considered...fight, flight, freak or freeze. I was only saying that mine was the result...of stress! Again, it's after you've had a HUGE stressor that your body has a difficult time because it's producing so many different things! Especially cortisol, which I was having released almost everyday because I was having...anxiety/panic attacks! Which btw...are terrible! My first one I ever had...I thought I was going to die :(
Congratulations! It is so exciting to hear that your hair is back. Hooray! And I am so going to buy some of that shampoo. :)
Thank you so much :) and I am so praying it will work for you also :)Remember to get it on your scalp, not just in your hair and let it set for 2-3 minutes each time :) I still use it everyday! I told my sister in law about it and she went out and bought it. She does not have alopecia of any kind. She loves it and she told me she can even tell the difference...but I can see it on her also! I'm certainly not saying it will work for everyone, but like I's worth a try :) Best of luck!

Hi Judy and everyone…

 I am a new member and only posted once since I joined recently.  I meant to post something about my total hair growth three weeks ago.  When I read about your hair regrowth it ignited me to write.  I lost ALL my hair ( UA) head to toe in 10 days!!  all of it..scary and crazy.  It was thee months after the birth of my daughter, who is almost one now.  I always believed it was tied to the stressful pregnancy and dramatic delivery - lost a lot of blood and need a blood transfusion.  So three months post pardem, I lost all my hair and now its 11 months post pardem and I have about an inch all over except for a small light hair patch in the front.  I think in one months time, my hair will be on its way to having BIG hair days again.  My eyebrows slowly came back and the rest of my body as well.  I  have the 6-8 week intervals of demo appointments for scalp injections- OUCH!  I notice my face is darker in pigmentation (probably from the injections ) ad a bit puffy…Gotta love alopecia :-(

Here are some things that helped me recently…

1. two months ago, I stopped nursing/comforting my 9 mo old baby

2. Gave up carbs ( pasta, potato, bread) and eat more salmon and white fish.  I hated having a puffy face with no hair.  Eating more protein and veggies..

3.  took protein capsules from  Phillips Kingsley product found in the hotel hair salon I go to..

4. took Biotin..( 10, 000 iu)

5. Bought a silk pillowcase from Amazon - so it doesn't pull the hair.

The two things that helped make my hair sprout was a medicine the rheumatoid doctor prescribed to me: Protopic, which is a non steroid ointment.  Its like a vaseline type base and my hair showed a BIG different in two days.  The other very important thing I did was drink one tablespoon of fish oil after lunch and another one after dinner.  My hair got softer and stopped breaking off…Get the fish oil in the bottle…you get more oil by drinking it then taking capsules.

I tend to think my UA was due to hormone shock cause it was after I had the baby, but doctors said it was AU.  I ill never know the reason but I am so thankful to see hair again.  I know I need o see a therapist cause its so difficult to always be in a great mood…especially when my 6 year old has school field trips and activities.  I bought a wig but the baby keeps pulling it and nearly yanks it off my head.

I wish everyone here a positive result.  I practically gave up hope my hair was ever coming back…then seven months later I have hair.  Good luck to everyone and hopefully you will get your sexy hair back soon.

Thanks so much for your post, yes it is wonderful to have my hair back and so hope that others on here will also. Thanks for posting all the things you've changed in your lifestyle. Loved hearing your story, but sorry you had to go through this also! I do believe mine was also caused by all the extra hormones that come along with stress/stressful event. So happy for you that yours is growing back also :) You mentioned kids, yes it can be stressful with all their activities, homework, feedings, baths and then add in everyday life! From your post it sounds as if your kids are about 5-6 yrs apart? All my girls are 6 years apart.

Hi Judy and everyone ….

I forgot to mention, I have thyroid disease…first Grave disease for about 6 years and took iodine radiation to go Hypo because my remission didn't last long and my thyroid was too difficult to control…So now I am hypo taking 100 mcg Synthroid.

I also suffer from horrible eczema since I was 1 years old.  Its skips places and this year its horribly on my fingertips!!  I have to wear bandaids every day and cannot really help bath or change my baby's diaper.  

I did have massive  alopecia when my son was born 6 years ago…40 hair loss all in the front.  It took over a year to grow back but this recently hair loss was ALL.  This is why doctors think its not tied to my hormones but my auto immune response to the hormones changes and stress on my body.

I have a such a sensitive place in my heart for people I see with hair issues.  I just want to give everyone a hug cause I know for me….it was difficult getting out of bed or out of the house.  If I didn't have kids, I would shut my self in  but they force me to socialize - if you call it that.  I have social anxieties now because of the aloecia and hence the reason I should see a therapist.  One day at a time, I say.

(((((hugs))))) to all of us and more.



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