After many months of using Rogaine on the kids' spots, my family (the kids foremost) have decided to treat using Decolorized Iodine, once daily - at night. I stumbled upon an interesting internet article, regarding Decolorized Iodine: - Some of you may be interested in reading it. When I went to "Yahoo" and searched for Decolorized Iodine, I also stumbled upon more success stories, regarding folks treating with Decolorized Iodine. My father-in-law is a barber in his 70's & barbers used to treat AA with "White Iodine" (slang for Decolorized Iodine). Good luck to you all, whether you decide to try treatments or not. I hope you all have Happy Holidays :o)

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Hello everyone! I thought I'd give an update. Even though Iodides Tincture AKA decolorized iodine (slang - white iodine), dramatically slowed down my daughter's hairloss, it is taking longer for hair to grow in. I was at the dermatologist's office with the kids (for their appointment to get injections - and by the way, we don't use Iodides Tincture for two days after the kids get injections, or it would sting the kids where they were given injections), and I told the dermatologist about how Iodides Tincture was helping the kids, but I was concerned that it is taking longer for the hair to grow back. She suggested that I use Iodides Tincture every other day, as I am with the kids, and apply Roggaine once a day. The kids agree. So now, we will apply Iodides Tincture every other morning (rather than at night, due to the strong smell of Roggaine), then use Roggaine every night. The kids will still get the injections every four weeks, which is a treatment they want to continue when given the choice before each appointment. So far, their hairloss is naturally concealed, but it looks like that might not be the case for my son for very much longer. But, with AA you just never know! Take care everyone!
Hi everyone! My final opinion on treating with Iodides Tincture: It is very beneficial to slow hair loss. I used it on the kids every night for a month, and then every other night for a month. Currently, the kids are treating with Rogaine every night (except sleep overs) and injections every four weeks. Their hair loss is still occuring, but very slowly and they are each experiencing some regrowth at the same time. Should the hair loss spead up again, we will revisit using using Iodides Tincture every night for a month, and then every other night for a month. Does anyone else have a status update regarding the use of Iodides Tincture? Best Wishes!
Hi Lynn,

I know this is an old blog, but still of interest! I have started on white iodine abut a month ago and I HOPE it is working. So far a patch that appeared front and center in my head has barely grown larger. Always with the other spots they start dime-sized and within days balloon outward. It did get larger than a dime, but not too much. I treat all my spots with iodine once or twice a day. I also use Rogaine 2% .

So my daily routine consists of Iodine, then Minoxidil (or Rogaine 2%), then a little later Clobesterol ointment (yuck), put the wig on and go to work come home, repeat head/hair treatment. Plus 4-6 weeks cortisone shots. Last week I told my derm I was using iodine and he said, “That should work. It is also an irritant.” I like it better than that creasy clobesterol, but I am using my entire arsenal hoping for regrowth. I have been diagnosed and in treatment (1 day later) since June 5th. Have some regrowth, some areas have stalled, and then a couple weeks ago, round three of new spots appearing. Every time my head itches I hit it with iodine!

I asked my derm about Rogaine 5% - Men's - and he said, "I can't recommend that to you." So I could not tell if he was saying there are recommendations or warnings against using the full-strength for women but I should go ahead and try it, or he was warning me against it. What strength are you using on the kids? I read on the net that 5% should not be used by women who may get pregnant, and that it causes facial hair (who cares! Small potatoes!).

How is the iodine treatment working for your kids? Successful, I hope!
Hi there Barbara! It is nice to receive word from you. I hope the white iodine is working for you ~ it appears that it is keeping your AA from growing much larger. I just tried it on the kids for about six weeks each back in December. I did notice less hairloss when I combed my daughter's hair. Unfortunately, I didn't notice much of a difference with my son. The kids are now ages 11 and 12. Their dermatologist recommends that they are treated with 5% Roggaine twice daily. It's good news that my daughter only has one very small spot of AA left ~ she only wishes me to put 5% Roggaine on her once daily. My son's AA has gotten a bit worse, but he has also had more regrowth just recently. Thank God, that both of the kids' AA is naturally concealed. The kids get the injections every four weeks, and I am sure that is ecspecailly what is keeping their AA from getting much worse. Recently, my son started taking Vitamin B Complex, daily ~ my daughter takes the Vitamin B Complex twice a week. I have to wonder if this is triggering so much regrowth for my son? Also, I've made small changes like using raw spinach in salads rather than lettuce, because spinach has more nutrioinal value. I buy lavendar scented shampoo, conditioner, air freshner, etc., because its escential oil is soothing. I am so happy for you, that you are experiencing regrowth! I would go for it, and use the 5% Minoxidil. If you have any bad side affects like facial hair, etc., you could always stop taking it. Please keep in touch and let me know how your treatment progresses. Write anytime! Take care :o)
I have just about finished with my last bottle of 2%. I will give 5% a try. Facial hair I can deal with with tweezers! I used to do a lot with essential oils and worked for a natural products company, so firmly believe in their medicinal qualities. It's where our medicines started from after all! I can't use any more oils on my scalp, though, because I do have hair - just have hair that is growing around bald patches! I hate having to do the morning/evening routine of gunking and oiling my head as it is. I never feel clean! I use the Rogaine and clobesterol and iodine each twice a day. YUCK!

thanks for your reply Lynn!
Hi there! I think it is very cool that you are battling this thing. It sucks that anyone has to deal with this situation, ecspecially kids in school years! I know a lot of people accept it for what it is, and I respect them for their decision. The kids & I want to battle this thing, and hopefully our battle will be fruitfull ~ and so will yours! I send you best wishes always!
Hi I know its very old now to put a post But hopefully you can answer my question...I have been using iodine for a week and a half and these three past days my scalp is very dry and its almost like if its peeling after a sunburn, so just wondering of this ever happened to you while using iodine.
My update is that I have basically given up on all – no shots, no meds, no shampoos as of last spring. With all those treatments (or perhaps just on its own – who knows!) my hair started growing back in the bare spots (had months of hair growing back in one place, and falling out another). I finally had all but one (new) spot with scalp coverage. Thursday I got a haircut – my hair is about down to my collar), changed the color of my hair a bit, and after a couple of vacation days in between, came into work today with no wig!!! No one noticed a thing! I have been going wig-free except for when at work for several months now, and finally braved this one last step.

So on to your iodine question. I get terrible itching on my scalp, and when my AA first made its appearance, that was a heralding feature. So anytime my scalp itches (like this a.m.) I grab the iodine and use the eye dropper on the area. I have noticed scalp tenderness, like a sun burn feeling – and my scalp is redder now (and significantly thinner!!!), so perhaps that is what I am experiencing. I never put the 2 together. But I used the iodine regularly for a while and never had a reaction like you experienced. No peeling, but definitely tenderness, redness. Maybe go to once a day?
Congratulations Barbara! I am soooo happy for you that you can go without a wig. How wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing your great news!
Hi Mona! The Iodides Tincture is supposed to irritate the skin, which sometimes triggers the hair regrowth. I'm sorry to learn you are experiencing a burning sensation. My kids have not treated with Iodides Tinture for some time now. They aren't even interested in my apply Roggaine any more. They still get the injections every four weeks (which sucks - but it is their choice), and their A.A. is still naturally concealed ~ their hair will grow back in an area ~ then they will experience loss nearby or in a different area. I read on the Internet that the doctors in India treat patients with Iodides Tincture during the evening time. So, if you switch to once a day application, you might want to make that application during the evening time. Best wishes.
hi Thank you for replying so fast...well I was using decolorized iodine for a week and a half and apply in it every evening once a day only, i wa thinking that maybe I was applying too much with the cotton balls.So now I only do it every other day and I read on another forum about arnica/coconut oil and people had succeded but Im not sure if the had AA. Any way so your kids did not show any signs of regrowth while using the iodine?
Hi again Mona! Nope, the kids did not experience regrowth with iodides tuncture treatment. However, word out there is that it does help some people. Please keep me posted on any other success you may have with treatments. Take care.



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