It has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Now I know this more than ever. Here’s how so:

I was in a church service standing and rendering my praises to God when I suddenly looked up at the screen and noticed that my head was on camera (as our services were being recorded). I could see the bald spots throughout my scalp. Initially, I thought I had seen improvement in the condition of my hair, but the camera showed a different picture. I thought to myself....everyone can see the horrible condition of my hair. Embarrassed and ashamed, I wanted to cry a bucket of tears right then and there. Instead I held off and later cried a river! :-

I became more self-conscious about my hair and the next two days became even more preoccupied with my hair (if that could be possible). I found myself spending more time on the Internet looking for success stories on hair restoration, a successful product, natural herb or an effective remedy; anything that would restore my hair to its beautiful state. Two days after seeing my hair on camera and crying myself to sleep over it, I believe I received a message from heaven concerning my hair.

Shortly after arriving into Ann Arbor, MI, my husband and I stopped by a restaurant to pick up a carry-out meal. My husband went to place our order while I sat near the entry, preparing to retrieve, and look at photos of my hair stored in my cell phone. Sometimes it helps me to look at photos of my hair at various stages.

Before I could retrieve the photos, a woman with a bubbly personality and a cheerful smile, abruptly approached me and said, “Wow! You have the most beautiful hair!” I was taken aback by her comment and enthusiasm. I was like a deer in head-lights. Before I could engage her, my admirer hurried off just as abruptly as she had approached me. I walked out of the restaurant encouraged about my hair and feeling as if I had been touched by an angel.

I immediately walked back inside of the restaurant to look for the woman who said that I had the most beautiful hair. I also checked the restrooms. She was nowhere to be found. If you are weary about your hair or lack of; remember, heaven holds the answer to what true beauty is.

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You just never know how others really feel. I was self-conscience once about my new (thin) hair growth after alopecia, and tried to keep my head a bit of a distance from others. One time, a date stroked my hair before I could draw back, and he said, "Wow...your hair is so silky!" No one had ever said that about my original hair, and I laughed internally, realizing that my new-growth hair actually had a redeeming quality to it. I never told the guy I had had alopecia; I just let him go on in life with his nice memories of my "silky" hair!

Hair like silk, sweet! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story.

I do believe that was an Angel, the bible tells us that we have all entertained Angels unaware, and I believe that is true, they are after all messengers from God. Continue to feel blessed by this, and thank you for the encouragement that your encounter will bring others including me.

I also believe in angels unaware. I will hold onto this one, especially for the next time a member of the camera crew happens to zoom in on my head. lol

Just when you feel at your lowest there is always someone that looks at you and thinks you are beautiful. Beauty radiates through you and it doesn't matter how much hair you have or don't have. That is a reminder to stay positive and love yourself regardless of the outer things because physical beauty from hair to body changes over time anyways.

Thanks so much, Tiffani. You are a portrait of beauty. What was your family's reaction when you first shaved your hair? Did they think you were going through a phase that would soon end? - lol Just curious.

That was a really powerful story. Thanks for sharing!



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