Anyone had the vaccine, or is going to get vaccinated? Or maybe someone who had covid with Alopecia?

As Alopecia is an alteration in the immune system, maybe a more active immune response against a specific protein. That is what I hear from my dermatologist. I am afraid the vaccine might trigger a dangerous response. Please start the discussion

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Yes, I had the Phizer vaccine. I'm 33 and never had AA ever in my life. Two to three weeks afterwards, I have one giant spot (about 2.5 inches by 1.5 inches) and a second smaller one.

I should note that this does not necessarily mean that the vaccine caused it. I was going through one of the most stressful times in my life about 2-3 months prior to AA. 

The flu vaccine definitely caused my horrendous attack 4 years ago. Just wish I had done my research first


Great to hear that.  And thanks for the thorough post previously :). Congrats on the haircut!

It's great when people here detail their variables so that we can all make the best decisions based on our shared info!

Glad to help. This board has been so helpful to me. 

Now over 5 weeks post-shot and no additional shedding or hair loss. 

That is great news, thank you for the update!

Anyone had the AstraZeneca vaccin? It is the main vaccin in my country, but for now not a single hair on my head (lol) thinks about taking it. Anyone wants to share their experience?

I am also in Europe, and I am interested too in this in case anyone has gotten it. 

Hi All.  I've got alopecia Universalis.  Since I also have severe asthma, I was able to get the 1st shot of the Moderna vaccine 50 days ago.  

I'm a year into the baricitinib clinical trial.  Scalp regrowth is only about 15-20%, but I had full eyelash and nose hair regrowth and about 60% eyebrow regrowth.  Progress has been underwhelming, but steady and consistent.  

About 20 days after my 1st COVID dose, I had an itchy left eye and completely rubbed off the eyelashes of that eye.

Since I'm still almost bald, I shave my head.  I'm definitely noticing less shaved hair compared to a month ago.  I can easily pull off eyebrows now, where I couldn't in January.  My doc speculated that alopecia is a hyperactive immune system attacking hair follicles.  Vaccines supercharge the immune system.  He's hoping this is temporary.  I'm not taking any chances.  I'm not going back for the 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine.

For those interested, I was told to pause baricitinib for 7 days, but only did it for 4.  I was feeling completely fine and got worried about a setback.  I can't say for certain that my hair loss and the vaccine had anything to do with eachother....may have been purely coincidental l, but it's my first setback in a year.

Sad to hear that you are having a setback. I wish baricitinib kicks in soon to help control the situation. Hang in there. 

Just got my second dose of Moderna yesterday.  My are is very sore and achy.  About 10 hours after my vaccine, my body was feeling very achy (flu like symptoms) and this morning, I was very fatigued. I had trouble sleeping last night and had to take Tylenol for the symptoms.  I feel better. now, but still very tired like I stayed up all night. I am on 20 mg. of tofa from Beacon.  I skipped my evening does yesterday to "help" my immune system to build up some defense.  I am going to take my meds today like usual. I definitely had symptoms with this second does and none at all with the first dose.  Will report back in a month to see if I notice any hair fall. Grateful to all of you on this forum for sharing your experiences. Wishing you all well.

Thank you for the information! All the best. 

thanks for the update. good luck :-) wish all goes well



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