Hi :)

I am considering shaving my head again (As my AA has gotten too much for me to be hiding again!) But I wondered if anyone could help me? How do you go about waxing your head? Does it hurt? And, how long does it last?

Take Care,

Liz x

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Hi Liz
I have no experience with waxing. After taking off the rest of my hair I started shaving each morning. A bit boring at times. I hope you enjoy your bald looks as much as me and find a lot of acceptance and support. Take Care!
Liz, you crazy, mad girl, you - just one word..... OUCH.

I'll actually be up in the N.E. the weekend after next, so I'll keep a look-out for the girl with the agonized expression :)
I advise against it... Waxing pulls hair by the root, and potentially, prevents regrowth. Plus, it does hurt! Pre- A/U, I waxed my legs and after a while hair grows back thinner. Something desirable for legs, but perhaps not for your head! Maybe using an electric razor would make shaving easier?
Electric shavers also massage the head as you shave! No nicks!
Although I use the electric shaver ... in the neck at times, I end up with burn and irritation. Everywhere is all good yet not the nape of the neck. I first use the clippers and then the razor mostly. However must leave it for a few days until I do it again or I end up with burn and bumps. Such is life!
Thanks for all the replies. I've seen this done professionally, but no way am I brave enough ^^ xx
It will grow back if you are AA way too fast ... so you may as well shave. Some hair might never grow back "POSSIBLY". Now ... if you had in mind your hair might regrow, or pray for a cure ... "WHICH I FEEL UNLIKELY" well most follicles will be dead. What ever Floats ur Boat!!! OH I WOULD LOVE TO WAX MY HEAD AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE STING. "NO PAIN NO GAIN"
I just wish every day that I might wake up to totalis or universalis ... so I don't have to worry about shaving ever again!
since no one has had any experience with this I feel like It fall's on my sholders,lol,here's how It played out, what hair I have are patches, my hair Is dark so even when I shave you can see shadow, a little tan helps. One day a week before I'm getting married my then girlfriend come's home with an Idea, she say's " I just got my hair done and the gal say's she will wax your head, Is that not great or what" her and I had nerver even talked about this, so I ask " what the hell Is that going to do for me ?" most of the time I dont really listen to her, but for some reason she was making sence, " no shadows for the wedding pic's, were In Vagas baby, walking around, no shaving, just some on your face" for some reason she was making sence, and I got caught up In the excitment, so I did It, talk about an "eye opening experince" I think a couple stiff drink's would have helped, It hurts, maybe a bit more than a tattoo, but on the up side, It does last awile, three week's for me, and then very little shaving after,for a little over a month, so there, I looked at It as something you got to do once, but thats just my thoughts,hope you liked the reply, and I did'nt mean to get so wordy, this Is my first time writing
I've been considering waxing my own head too, simply because I'm lazy and don't feel like shaving most mornings (I would rather get 10 extra minutes of sleep before work.) Glad to see someone has done it. How much did it cost you, and how much growth had to be on your head before they would attempt to do it???
Did'nt take as much growth as I thought It would about an 1/8 ,1/4 Is what they say they want but It dont always work that way, the cost was about $50.00, and let a pro do It they know what there doing, I let the wife try my arm's because she was talking shit that she could do It, I looked like I had been In a fight, so If you try yourself becarful,good luck
I have used a similar approach on my body. I started with AA 7 or 8 years ago with bald spots on my chest, moving to the stomach and some on the leg (very little loss in that nasty back hair--BOOO alopecia!).

At first I started shaving the chest and gradually expanded the coverage. I have always hated body hair so my only complaint about this was the work involved--I'm a low-maintenance kind of guy. I've been buzzing my head with my clippers at home for fifteen years now and the only reason I have a beard is because I'm too lazy to shave.

Eventually, I decided to embrace the hairless look and become what my naturist friends describe as "a smoothie" from the neck down. I only tried home waxing on my legs with so-so results. I have baby fine, straight hair (body and scalp), so I have fewer complications on hair removal (ingrown hairs, etc.). I decided to try a home laser (Tria) for the areas here I still have light brown hair, like the legs, abdomen, and arms. My head is all white and my chest is about 75% (wherever there is still hair). Other areas I have started using an epilator, which is like waxing--it yanks the hairs out by the root.

I don't recommend this for most people. My ultra-fine hair is less painful than most people's and many areas of my chest and stomach are bald. I considered this for more than a year before I decided that permanent smoothness neck-down was for me, irrespective of what my alopecia was or wasn't doing.

As noted by others, waxing (or epilating) yanks the hairs out by the root and will, over time, induce traction alopecia. Repeated treatments over many months will cause the hair to become finer and disappear. Laser treatment has much more permanent results.

I would be perfectly happy if my AA went to AU (at least below the neck). I've had a wake-up call this week as I've discovered my first bald patch on my scalp. I don't really dread the thought of AT--but having to start shaving my head every day pisses me off. I tried shaving my head for a while 15 years ago (long before AA) and enjoyed the results (although nobody else seemed to like it), but I'm not looking forward to the hassle.

I know from some Naturist/Nudist boards that there are some smoothies out there who have lasered, waxed, and/or epilated their way to permanent body hair removal. I have also come across an online group for men desiring permanent baldness using the epilator method (unrelated to alopecia).

Bottom Line--do your homework and think it through. I don't think it's crazy to choose to deal with AA on the head by obliterating the remaining hair over time. But make sure you have accurate, complete information. But I approach my alopecia the same way I approach my leg amputation: I'm not damaged--just different. I'm perfectly fine wearing shorts or kilts and displaying my hi-tech fake leg, just like many folks prefer not to wear wigs or hats. Some amputees feel it's very important to wear cosmetic covers or long sleeves/pants, and that's a personal choice.

So that's my two cents. Your mileage may vary! Now I'm running back to the mirror to double check that I really do have a new bald spot on my scalp. LOL



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