My hair is getting thinner and thinner. I almost hate I have androgenetic alopecia.. Yes , it thinning slowly kinda helped me accept that's its going away but the fact its not going away faster kind of instilled some hope in me that maybe...just maybe it'll gro2 back..
And now that its thinning like..noticeably,,,i know its not coming back.
I feel so a bad because I'm 25 and never had a boyfriend... Being behind in life I had to wait. Until I made myself better to date( and I'm still doing 5hat! Still in school...still trying to be the best version of me that would appeal and be worthy as a partn3r)
But now I have alopecia...and I feel that will just narrow my dating pool. It just sucks... I feel alopecia is the nail in th3 coffin. Ill never get to be loved...no guy is gonna want a bald girl like me...
I just f33l like I drew the shortest sticks in life.. I hat3 it.
I just want this life to be over. Quick,fast and in a hurry.
Wait, Wait Wait,
It is far from over and if you tell yourself there is no hope then you are moving towards a self fulfilling prophecy. My daughter starting losing her hair while in college at age 22. The funny thing I thought I would never get over it. The best thing is that she does not let it rule her life. She has an amazing boyfriend, friends that love her a super career in which people just gravitate towards her. She is strong and you need to be too. So I do believe that the wigs that I provided her with and the assistance in getting cosmetic advice i.e.: natural looking eyelashes and learning how to draw eyebrows was the key. Now a days I see so many people wearing toppers, drawing on their eyebrows and wearing lashes, it cracks me up. I am active with the National Alopecia Foundation and have talked to so many men that love their girlfriends and wives that alopecia. I will never forget one man telling a story that his girlfriend finally opened up about her Alopecia and he listened to her and the next thing he said was, "so where are we going to dinner tonight". You see, if they love you they do not care, but you have to let people love you to make it happen.
I would be glad to share all of the cosmetic and wig secrets in the world. I traveled to Qingdao China to find the best factory to create my daughter's wigs. I studied eyelashes and found wholesale ways to purchased and finally met with MAC MAKEUP consultants to talk about what my daughter needed. Did this help her? Yes, I believe it did. I believe that having my support and never letting anything crash land did make an impact on her emotions. I can do that for you too. I am not a mental health professional, but I am a mother that steps in and helps her and anyone else that wants to contact me. I am a phone support person for NAAF and glad to take your call. You can friend me and the sky is the limit as to what you can do as a person with Alopecia.
Lisa the alo-mom
It's ok to accept you have alopecia. But, there are naturally based products that address the reason for hair loss.
Research DHT. DHT is the main cause of hair loss in both women and men. I am with Monat Global and we have many alopecia and cancer patients that regrow healthy hair.. The products we have address feeding the follicle "bulb". The follicle bulb becomes unhealthy and is killed by DHT. When DHT gets into the follicle bulb, the 1,2,3, or 4 hairs in that follicle bulb release (fall out). With these products, the DHT is killed naturally and once the DHT is gone, the bulb regrows hair.
Let me know if I can help you. The ladies that accept hair loss normally do not look into naturally based products (no chemicals). There is no need to give up hope. We have helped thousands of men, women and children with hair loss, alopecia and balding from cancer-chemo.
Barbara is a salesperson who is hawking a product called Monat. She has made over 20 sales pitch posts on these boards over the last 3 days -- pretty much identical to each other and all shamelessly trying to get folks here to contact her so that she can sell them various products. She gets a commission for every Monat product that she sells. It's like Mary Kay or Avon.
There is absolutely no scientific proof whatsoever that Monat effectuates permanent hair restoration. What Barbara is spouting here is unverified pseudoscientific jargon that comes from marketing materials given to her by Monat.
Barbara's "support" is just a sales pitch. Her goal - the entire goal of Monat - is to get customers to buy their product and hopefully sign up for their auto-renewal program.
Barbara, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Hi, Sadele,
I have my suspicions about those Monat instagram posts. Most of them are posts by Monat sales partners, not the customers that the posts claim to depict.
For example, this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQmAmpalg30/
Who is Maggie and why isn't she the one who's posting these amazing results and photos? How do we know that Maggie's results are from Monat versus -- oh, say, Minoxidil? Where is the pic of Maggie actually applying the Monat to her head? Where's the explanation of what kind of alopecia Maggie has and for how long? (And why is alopecia misspelled?)
A lot of the more dramatic "results" pics are similarly vague. They could be from anywhere and be results of a variety of other treatments. So far, I haven't found any that weren't posted by people who openly claim to be Monat sales partners and/or people who appear to be Monat sales partners.
Several of the less dramatic pics - pics that don't show hair growth, but rather better shine or body - look more like the person went to the salon and got their done. A lot of the results "looks" can be achieved with a straight iron or a curling iron, depending on your preference. Some of the pics just show people who went to a salon and got their hair colored.
I believe that this "results" pic is may have been misappropriated: https://www.instagram.com/p/BQkuXvDAQaj/?tagged=monat&hl=en - I think that the results pic is more likely someone who got balayage color treatment at a salon. I bet if I Google-searched long enough, I'd find the original pic and that it would be a balayage photo from a salon or professional stylist - not a Monat customer.
In other words, I'm not convinced that many of these photos are of actual Monat customers.
If you go to the Monat site and explore its "Opportunities" section, it's clear that Monat really focuses on web sales and web contact with potential customers. All of these Instagram and Pinterest and other posts are absolutely part of their marketing scheme.
I agree with you... I always search "alopecia" in the hastags on IG and Monet comes up all the time with those pictures of these mysterious people growing their hair magically.
It has done nothing for me. The only thing that has worked, and I've tried everything under the sun, is Xeljanz. I got growth on my head, not my brows or lashes, and was almost at 90% growth. I had to stop in December because I found out I was pregnant with my second child, and at that point all my growth fell out within a few weeks.
I had a miscarriage but haven't started back on the xeljanz yet... I'm waiting until April to start, I want to give my body a break.
Yes AA is very hard to accept, but my grandfather always said "when you cannot change something, you have to accept it" - and he was not wrong.
If people are defining you because of your hair, you can give a f**k about them. Many people are superficial and many of them never had a difficult situation in their life, so they don't understand, what you are going through. As you can see on this site, you are not alone and other people manage their life very well. Maybe your hairloss is the best thing that can arrive to you, because it makes you stronger.
When i look the profiles on this site, i see a lot of beautiful people with or without hair.
You wrote that your dating pool becaomes narrow. Yes it does, but in a positive way, because all the superficial guys are filtered now and you can look for Mr. Right ;-))
When i date a woman, i don't give a f**k about things like hair, or disabilities. The whole package is important for me (charisma, smile, caracter...)
On this platform, there are so many baldet woman i would like to date.
You could do your first step an put a picture of you on your profile and i am sure that it is not so horrible as you describe... ;-)
I wish you the best to change your acceptance about your AA.
Greetings from Switzerland
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