I have a question. hope the guys can answer this one. do you have a problem with girls who wear extensions, pieces, or wigs. I wear extensions, will eventually graduate to toppers...so what would your reaction be to feeling fake hair or being told we wear fake hair. When would be the best time to tell a guy about our "lifestyle"? I date but am having a hard time letting myself get close to ANYONE because i wear hair and i really try to avoid the conversation. Think i would burst into tears if a guy asked me. I know i must be crazy but i am just curious. haha . So to all you men out there with hair, no hair, or if your friends have ever made comments share them.

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Any man who rejects you when he learns you're bald, but has seemed like a good and compassionate person is the one who has the problem not you.

There are a lot of good men out there who will not be thrown by your lack of hair, and there will be many who'll think you have an exotic beauty.

God bless,


Hi Di, - I think you'd be surprised by how many guys wouldn't be bothered. Yeah, sure, there are always gonna be some who'll find it a no-no, but there are also ones who don't like redheads etc. So really, the problem's in your head, not on it.... it's a confidence thing. Don't run away, just be honest, and remember - wearing a wig or false eyelashes is no more "fake" than the makeup or padded bras or false eyelashes that other girls put on. Right??


Then again, Castleford.... ahh, it's OK, we can still be friends :)

Hello all,
I've had alopecia since I was 15, now almost 34. Personally when I was in my early 20s I'd have a list of 10 things I want in a man....if he had 3 of the 10, and was ok with my alopecia I'd go for it. BUT he was only a 3/10 or a 5/10. Within time these men were not the type of man I wanted to be with. I looked at myself as having a handicap, that I'd be lucky to find someone to 'be my boyfriend'. Through dealing with these losers I've realized I'm now only willing to go for a 9/10. I'm worth it!! Truely girls, God gave us a gift, a gift that tests men. Being that they are very visual creatures, when we tell men of our alopecia it tests them, it tests them on if they are looking for a good person on the inside, or a barbie doll on the outside. I usually tell my date within the first two dates, get it out there in the open, I wait until the end of the date, so if I've intrigued him enough that I'm a wonderful human being, than they will usually be "no probloem", "that's not an issue for me" attitude. If he ponders it and knows he will have a hard time with it then he won't call me back. I don't know speicifically if its just we didn't click or my alopecia.
Ladies, my last boyfriend was totally cool with it. I told him about it on the end of our first date and he said "ohh yea I've dated a woman with that, that's not an issue for me." There are good, passionate, handsome men out there. Just make sure you're not settling, because when you settle for those 3/10 or 5/10, they are losers to being with, and they are not going to pass!!!!
Hi Robin and everyone else reading this discussion, I think it should be noted that some guys would find bald ladies to be attractive. I know because I am one.
Don't misunderstand, as a single man looking for a real and healthy relationship with a special women, I value a lot more qualities than a lady has hair. The important things are sharing the same Faith, values and morls. She would have to be gentle and kind, and with a loving spirit. This is just the tip of the iceburg.
Further on down would be baldness. It's important for a number of reasons. It would be something that is both important and that we'd have in common. I like being bald and I want to be with a woman who's crazy about it, too. I, in turn, want to make my lady feel beautiful and special, too. I'm a Christian that God is making more and more Christlike in my life time, not a fetishist or pervert who wouldn't date a woman who is bald any more than I'd date only brunette women for example.
Anyway I hope I've given you something to think about.
God bless,
When I first delevoped aa I worried how people would react to it and found the only person bother by it was me- unfortunatly 3 months after developing aa my wife and I split up- 12 months down the line started dating and again worried would i meet someone when they seen my patches how would they feel, what I have found is for male and female to most people does not matter if we are bald/wig wearing or extensions- its that old addage its the person that counts not the accessories we add to be accepted. xxx

I would prefer to know up front, but I can't speak for most guys. If extensions or anything like that is considered fake, I think a guy would have to be pretty douchee not to give a pass to a girl with alopecia. I would expect hair to be like boobs. Fake or real doesn't matter


Charleston S.C.

I would prefer to know up front, but I can't speak for most guys. If extensions or anything like that is considered fake, I think a guy would have to be pretty douchee not to give a pass to a girl with alopecia. I would expect hair to be like boobs. Fake or real doesn't matter


Charleston S.C.



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