Hi, just wondering what people on this forum wear to the gym? I wore my synthetic wig with a low ponytail the other day and it was too hot. I am thinking of wearing a halo wig with a baseball cap.

Just curious what others wear?

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I would also be interested in what others wear. Purchased a halo wig with baseball cap and it looks "funky".. thanks for the question.
My daughter wears her all lace wigs all of the time. She just pulls it up in a ponytail when she works out. She cheered her senior year and tumbled in it.
Well, i used to wear a synthetic wig to the gym - but as you said - it was just too hot. For years I struggled along and finally I just started wearing a scarf at the gym - I felt much more comfortable. Besides the heat - I found using the weight machines quite difficult when wearing a wig. Or doing situps or stretching on my back - anything involving putting head against a surface - not good. So the scarf eliminates the issues!

I either leave the house wearing a scarf and return home with scarf. Or, if I'm going elsewhere and wearing a wig, I'll put the wig in a bag and privately change into it at the gym. When I first developed AU, there is no way I'd have done this - now I just don't care. It's much more comfortable and I leave the gym with a good looking head of hair in mere seconds! lol.
I wear a scarf when I'm training as well. I have long rectangular ones, like you'd typically drape over your shoulders. I knot it at the back of my head so it kind of resembles a long ponytail. I do martial arts which is very physical and I find tying it this way stays on best no matter how much I move (or sweat, as its a very hot summer in Australia at the moment :P ).
I wear a scarf to the gym. I actually stopped going to the gym for many years because I did not have the confidence to wear just a scarf to the gym and no way was I going to work out in a hot wig. Plus the thought of my wig flying off my head at the gym was just to scary to think of. Sure you might get a few looks but people get used to it and don't give you a second glance after the first visit.
Thank you all for your input.



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