Malinda's discussion titled "Spiritual Growth in Hair Loss" got me to thinking about how hair loss is depicted in the sacred texts of different religions.

Given that I am a Christian, I started my research in the Bible; and since I am also a non-alopecian engaged to a female alopecian, I focused most of my attention on what the Bible says about female hair loss in particular. What I found is disconcerting, to say the least.

Given that most, if not all, of the Bible's writings were composed in the context of pre-scientific and patriarchal cultures, it really did not come as a surprise to learn that the Bible does not state one positive thing about female hair loss.

For example, female baldness was understood to be a sign of mourning and/or submission (Deuteronomy 21:10-14) or divine judgment and humiliation brought on by sin (Isaiah 3:16-24; Micah 1:8-16); and one notorious apostle not only bought into the idea that "long hair" is a woman’s "glory," but that it is such "a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off" that she cover her head to conceal the shame (1 Corinthians 11:2-16).

On the other hand, writings in the Bible also make it clear that a head full of hair can enhance a woman's physical appearance (2 Kings 9:30; Song of Solomon 4:1) even if cosmetic enhancements such as the braiding of hair could never reflect or reveal her true inner beauty and submissiveness (1 Timothy 2:9-15; 1 Peter 3:1-6).

No doubt, alopecic and bald women in such ancient pro-hair cultures were subjected to unspeakable ridicule and rejection. Yet, the only time God avenges a bald person in the Bible is in the case a baldheaded male prophet who, "in the name of the Lord," called down a curse of some children who were teasing him, resulting in 42 children being mauled to death by bears (2 Kings 2:23-25)!

Indeed, with few exceptions for males only (e.g., Numbers 6:18-19; 2 Samuel 14:26; Acts 18:18), hair loss in general is depicted as a negative thing that happens only under the worst of circumstances.

That is pretty much what the primary sacred text of the Christian faith says about hair loss in general and my fiancée’s alopecia in particular. Basically, it gives very little positive acknowledgement to baldness or alopecia, champions even a God who keeps count of every hair on our heads (Matthew 10:30; Luke 12:7), and, unfortunately, thus helped to create the pro-hair society and world that we live in today.

What does your religion’s sacred scriptures say about baldness and alopecia? I would love to hear from non-Christians as well as Christians who agree and disagree with my take on the Bible’s hair loss texts.

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Thanks for this message.

from Chinese Medicine perspective, hair loss is due to imbalance energy in Kidney!  strengthening your kidney energy via food therapy and activating your Kidney meridian channel is the long term solution for your hair loss issue.  


 guess I wanted to know why are Christians being defined by a condition called alopecia.....I think its more useful to promote that there is a balm in Jesus Christ that heals and restores any kind of hair loss.....I pray for my scalp and hair loss...If there is cure it will be found ; in the name of Jesus....Hair lends to a woman's or man's outer appearance/ beauty and there is virtue in one's "crowning glory", read up on Absalom or Samson. We are spiritual, as well as physical beings, hair is for our outward and physical appearance and sometimes we use preference and choice to determine how we want to wear it ....I like my hair...I don't want to lose it and I don't like it choice my preference ....I do not worship my hair ..but the world has caught on to a secret that we seem to want to deny …It is, whether we wear our hair short or long or if its full or balding, Hair adds to our beauty.The emphasis is on "adds" ...Hair is not our beauty but the point is HAIR adds to our beauty. However , if we have beautiful spirits, hair loss or balding or even a full head of hair cannot add or take away from our spirituality (if its beautiful) the two are not connected .There is no reason to knock the bible for reporting on a truth ...The bible does not link hair to our spirituality. There are only a few specific cases ( that I can recall now); where Hair is serving a greater spiritual purpose...(Samson, Nazarites) etc We should all pray for the body of believers who are going through hair loss, some of which maybe an attack from the enemy...God Bless



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