Hi there,

I'm new on the forum; I'm a Dutch woman and have FFA since 2014, but officially diagnosed in april 2015. I already lost quite some hear around the face, but still can hide it quite good (not totally..) with the rest of my hair. I searched through the internet to find all kind of information about FFA. 

What I'm most curious about, is that sometimes I read articles about the disease stopping after a few months of medication. But most of the time I read that people are suffering FFA for many years and using medications that don't really help. Also I read that doctors are not sure if medication will help, or if the disease extinguishes by itself. So...what's true?

And did anyone try to use alternative therapy with succes? That means diets, anti-inflammation food (like kurkuma etc.), acupuncture, osteopathy, or even other creams to put on the head?

My derm gave me Topicorte coisteroide cream and Placquenil tablets. I hate to put on the cream, it's the same as thick Nivea-crème. I have to use it every day, so I need to wash my hair about 3 times every morning to get it out...

I refuse to be negative about the situation, so I decided to be positive and keep on looking for the best treatment. But what's best?

My derm told me not to spoil to much money and time on alternative therapy which won't help, but..does regular therapy help?

I'm very curious about your opinion!

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I have been using Clobestatol lotion(anti inflammatory)for a couple of months, but the inflammation comes and goes as before.I do know though, that finastride used to treat prostate disease and plaquenil used for malaria and in some cases autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis is clutching at straws and totally experimental. Most clinical trials have shown inconsistent and very subjective results. I am very reluctant to try other 'experimental' medications, which is what the dermatologists are using. There are always side effects, and I'm not sure I want any other issues or want to be the Guinea pig.
I have decided to try a autoimmune diet (as per Dr Sarah Ballentyne) try and relax more, and acupuncture to help with inflammation.
Hi all, I think I was having a rant yesterday through total frustration and sadness. I didn't mean to preach. We all makes choices and hope for the best with the medications we chooses to take.
I know for me that I can't detoxify the medications offered and that makes me very sad. I think this toxin buildup caused by mthfr gene mutation was probably where my problems began. I am very grateful this site exists as it has been very helpful to read about other women's experiences. I just hope I do come to terms with it one day. It makes you so sad and plays havoc with your self esteem.



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