Yes, we all have some form of alopecia and that can all make us a little sad sometimes, but what are some things that make you feel happy & content?
My list:
To be able to find a woman in my life yet who will accept me as I am with my alopecia Universalis. Ive never had a girl friend a rela in my whole life. To find a decent job, I have 2 coll deg's, a BA & a MA yet Iv been cronically unemployd 4 yrs, to get a decent job so I can live on my own, I took on a roommate about 4+ years ago after I got downsized from my last job. To have some kind of a god damn social life so I dont have to do everything alone, so I dont feel like the later actor Patrick Swazey did in the 80's movie, Ghost, when he was walking through the crowds in New York, when he was dead and no one could see him. To be happy period. Mark Hansen
Mark, start here: Learn to love yourself. Seriously.
The Universe
Mark, I have no idea how old you are, but I was there at one point in my life. Sure I was going to be alone. Not having a girl accept an offer to go out, or if they did it felt like a pity date. Then I met someone that only ever knew me as bald. Someone who thinks I look odd in pictures with my wig.
It can happen. Try and take a positive outlook on yourself first. That helps...believe me, I know. You'r bald...flaunt it. Use it. Own it. Be confident in who you are, and women will figure the rest out.
I'm here to talk if you eant. I know how it feels on both sides.
Spending time with my family
Being at the lake
Boating and Camping
Sitting by the campfire looking at the stars
Thanking God for his beautiful handiwork
Growing flowers
Sitting on the patio drinking coffee and eating cantaloupe
My dogs
Sitting in the sun
Going on road trips
Helping people
Thanking God for my hair loss
Eating at my favorite Mexican Restaurant
Thanking God for blessing me and my family so much
Wearing hair and looking good
Figuring out false eyelashes
Some of the things that make me happy are being with my dog and horse, a cool breeze on my head, going to the mountains, kayaking with my dog and friends, having lunch with a friend and love international folk dancing!!!
What an awesome question to ask as I started seriously "sweating the small stuff" today.
Thank you, Jackie!! :)
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