Just wondering who had recovered from alopecia areata or any other kind of alopecia on this site, and has you had successful treatment or has it reoccurred?

How long did it take for you to start recovering?

I know theirs some other threads but not many people replied to them.

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I started with aa in May of 2010. A fingerprint size spot which grew to tennis ball size along with about 26 misc. size other spots. I just turned 61 in Jan. This is all new to me so its an ongoing experience. As of today most of the spots are growing back but in a bullseye pattern, heavy in the center making a ring on the perimeter of lighter growth. I had my head shaved and now letting it grow to see if the pattern in blend as my hair grows. If it doesnt I guess its back to shaving. I had a full head of hair before this started so it is a pretty weird experience.

Ive met a lot of great people on this site. I dont know if my comments helped but good luck to ya.

gday Mate ( I had to throw that in ) Dennis
ahh hope your regrowth is fully sucessful and on the fortunate side you got this later on in life im only 17 and was recently diagnosed 3 months ago with 3 round patches, hoping for some good regrowth soon. good luck mate.
I had AA when i was 17. Went into remission about a year later. Kept hair for 7 years. Had three more episodes over next 2o yrs. All went into remission. You don't need treatment for AA as ther is none, apart from natural remission.
No cure either. Most peeps with AA grow their hair back in a year.

My son developed AA shortly after his 19th birthday.  Started with one spot and grew to many more spots very rapidly.  His hair was shedding at a drastic pace.  He did a major overhaul of his diet and took supplements prescribed by a Naturopath. Then, everything turned around very quickly and the hair started growing back in. One year later, he has a full head of hair and no more spots. Fingers crossed no more spots will develop!


It is totally unpredictable. My daughter developed AA her freshmen year in highschool, she took steroid injections and it all grew back. She developed AU her senior year in highschool. It is starting to come back 1 1/2 years later but it is a slow recovery. She is not on any treatment right now but she was on sulfasalazine when the regrowth started.
leonore did dpcp have any side effects? and how long did it take u to recover a bald spot with the dpcp? after it recovered how long did it usually last for before falling out again? can you buy dcpc over the counter or you get a prescription from your doctor?

and thanks for ur replies everyone
So once it stopped working did your bald spots appear again? And did you have to apply is constantly so it would keep regrowth?


and thanks for replies everyone.
Hi, I was diagnosed with AA in January 2010. I had long shoulder length dark hair and one day i noticed a 10 pence piece size disc near my crown on the right hand side of my head. Within 6 weeks all of my hair on my head fell out, I never lost my eyebrows or eyelashes. i eventually had to shave my head and I bought a wig. i believe once i started to accept the situation and deal with wearing the wig i tried to not stress too much about it (not easy at times though). By July 2010 I had a full head of hair again and I didn't have to wear my wig anymore. My hair came in really thick and I only had one set of steroid injections in this time. I was just getting used to my lovely hair returning when mid September 2010 I woke up one morning to find most of my hair on my pillow :( This time I thought I can't deal with watching my hair falling out as I find this more distressing and within 3 weeks I had shaved my head and bought another wig. Now it's Feb 2011 and I am now wig free again with another full head of hair!!! I have been going for cortisone injections since last October, so I have probably had 3 sets. Feeling great that my hair has returned albeit it is very short but I am glad, only thing is I now have an itch in my scalp, not all over but I seem to have little bumps on my scalp prob from scratching. I have done the hair pull strand test and at the moment no hair is falling out so I am trying to ignore it. I had AA when I was 5 years old which lasted for 4 months and full hair returned, the AA returned 29 years later!!!! I'm not sure what it's all about but I am trying to be very positive and tryying to just ignore it x
do you mean remission?

I've had AA since i was 3 years old. I had patches to extensive hair loss from about 3 - 10 years old. After that, it grew back almost completely but had the ophasis pattern. My hair was quite thick but had some eyebrow loss as well until about 19 yo. I'm now 26 and AU. I've tried most treatments and am currently not using anything at the moment. I think if it's going to grow back, it's going to grow back.

From my experience, being AU has been easier than the past few years leading up to it. I no longer have to worry about my hair falling out :)
well alopecia can never really be 'cured' and the treatments never helped me although i did grow my hair back after i gave up on the treatments, i was totally bald but now i just have missing patches that are constantly changing.

I wouldn't say i have recovered, and I will never know if I'll lose hair again - but I've gone from Alopecia Totalis to Alopecia Areata (at least). I was bald, like, super-bald. Not a single hair on my scalp. No fuzz, no nothing. It was really shiny and smooth, hehe. But now I have a lot of patches on my head with dark hair and i see more and more hair everyday. I lost every single hair on my eyebrows aswell, and they've started to come back on both brows now, aswell. I lost all hair very rapidly in march of 2012, and it has started growing out now in 2014, so I was completely bald for almost 2 years. I haven't done any treatment what so ever, no vitamins, no diet, no chemicals, no pills. Nothing. But I feel a lot better now than I did back then, and maybe that is why my body could start repairing which caused my hair to start growing out. I can never know if it will continute to grow, or even stay. Only time will tell! Good luck!

Thank you Lina!  That was very encouraging.  I wish you the best.



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