I have seen this statement all around..And I wish to highlight somethings to people who say it. I know it might not be your intention to come out offensive but it can be to some people. First thing its up to people what they want to wear. It doesn't make them weak. Wigs are just something one wears? It doesn't affect one's action.The individual is the one in control. And if they are happy with it then its good for them. Second thing wig will never define you and you ain't hiding yourself.You wear the wig not the wig wears you. Your personality will always show. Some can see pass the things like make up and wigs. And know the real you. And I am sure many alopecians have tough situations in their life which are tougher then alopecian. But still wear wigs. I tip my wig off to you guys. Because you are strong in your own right. My motto pick which ever option you like as long as you are happy and comfortable with it.And strength comes from within Not from options like wigs. feel free to express your view and disagree.

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This is a bit of a controversial subject for reasons I don't fully understand. How you present yourself is a choice, wig, no wig, scarf, hat - whatever, all are great options that suit each individual separately.

Alopecia is not a choice. It is something that has been foisted on those who have it and then they have to decide how they prefer to deal with the changes that come with the disease. There is no wrong or right way, just the way that suits you.

Making a choice on how you prefer to present yourself to the world is personal and empowering. I don't believe it makes anybody weaker or stronger. Dealing with alopecia requires strength of spirit and I believe everyone dealing with it has just that, no matter how they choose to present themselves. :)


well said!

Indeed, Rose Marie. Thank you. Nicely put. Whether I choose to wear a wig or be bald on any given day, my strength of spirit, as Rose shared, and my soul are firmly grounded and established in who I am, regardless. My hair loss is fairly recent, but I can honestly say, it has helped me to redefine and recalculate, once again in life, who I am, what I know to be the truth, and ultimately, what's REALLY important to focus on in the world, with or without hair.
Too blessed in too many ways! Have fun! Be creative! Be UNIQUE!!!

Are clothes weak. is sunscreen weak, are shoes weak. is makeup weak, in fact is anything we wear including wigs weak, I personally don't think so. What we wear is a choice and it also to some degree defines who and what we are. I have partner who wears wigs and she is not weak, I had male pattern baldness and did not wear a wig because I did not want too. The choice not to wear a wig did not make me strong I knew the hassles my wife had wearing a wig and did not want too go through the same thing. However because I could afford to do so I had a hair transplant and do not regret doing so, am I now weak for wanting to look how i want to look and not how someone perceives I should look, because if i don't the way they think i should I am weak. Judge yourself and your motives for not wearing a wig but don't put your values on someone else, and this is in all aspects of life non of us walk in anyone else,s lives but our own. Only we can judge why we do anything others can only guess at our motives. Good topic T. John

I agree with your last long statement.

I also do not understand why this is controversial. Perhaps those that actually think 'wigs are for the weak' will take the opportunity and explain why they feel that way. When I read or hear of such statements, frankly, I find it irritating and insulting - but then again I have no idea why someone is saying that. Hair Loss is hard enough without having to be judged for choosing a way to deal with it that works for the individual.

I wish someone who has said this would explain what they mean - otherwise if you just make a flat statement such as this people will fill in the blanks themselves.

I think I know where this line comes from, and I'm not sure it was meant to be taken so literally - I think the meaning was more along the lines of "at some point you've got to deal with it, rather than keep on crying in your beer forever", but the one who said it has dealt with it in the only way she knows how, which is to not bother with head coverings and get out there bald.... and maybe she's simply not too good at "empathy".

Plus, I think it's pretty difficult for people to express themselves in writing, and what you're thinking when you're scribbling... your general mind state.... often doesn't get expressed in the words you use. So sometimes, something can come across a little harsher than intended.

Then again, even if that was, in fact, exactly how it was intended.... people are entitled to their opinion. And given that she said this quite some time ago, and similar comments to those posted on this discussion were made then - you have to admit, she's certainly managed to get under a lot of people's skin!!! :)

Yes, but...it's a very sensitive subject and disease, still! Tread lightly with your words people!

Thank you for posting. I am comfortable w/a wig as I am comfortable wearing cute clothes. I just feel good as to what I wear, hair included. ...That's just me...I've enjoyed fashion my whole life and hair is part of it...

Thank you for reminding us to be happy in no matter what we choose!

Succinct and true

Personally, I change my hair to match my moods and my outfits....sort of like changing shoes. It's sort of empowering, not weak, to feel confident exercising your options.



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