I have seen this statement all around..And I wish to highlight somethings to people who say it. I know it might not be your intention to come out offensive but it can be to some people. First thing its up to people what they want to wear. It doesn't make them weak. Wigs are just something one wears? It doesn't affect one's action.The individual is the one in control. And if they are happy with it then its good for them. Second thing wig will never define you and you ain't hiding yourself.You wear the wig not the wig wears you. Your personality will always show. Some can see pass the things like make up and wigs. And know the real you. And I am sure many alopecians have tough situations in their life which are tougher then alopecian. But still wear wigs. I tip my wig off to you guys. Because you are strong in your own right. My motto pick which ever option you like as long as you are happy and comfortable with it.And strength comes from within Not from options like wigs. feel free to express your view and disagree.

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Totally agree same as we do our clothes that don't make us weak.

I agree I wear a suit and tie for business and politics and shorts for the gym. This does empower and I had a hair transplant noone noticed but hell i feel way better, if my partner could have one we would, wigs are for whatever you want them to be for.

Thank You for those words! I agree!

If someone chooses to wear a wig, that individual should NOT have to "justify" the choice to anyone. A wig is an aid -- nothing more, nothing less.

Would you call someone with a limp "weak", if they chose to use a cane?

Now I wish I had said this great comment.

Amen and well said RiRi!!!! I am going to rock my lace front bold and proud. I'm not weak by any means.... a sistah just likes to change up her look. Muah! It's a trip how usually the people who are calling us weak for wearing a wig are those who grew up having alopecia. If alopecia is all you know then of course you wouldn't have a problem rocking a bald head. Your damned if you do.... damned if you don't. Lol!!

I am always amazed how so many people feel that they can "direct" or "control' other people's thoughts and actions by "name-calling" (i.e. "weak"). What they don't understand is that you will NEVER get people to agree with you or even consider your position if you are verbally abusive! Rock on Michelle! You look great!

Thanks Cindie!

I agree!

That is just an assumption. I grew up with alopecia and when I need it, my wig is my best friend. Or should I say wigs? I have a collection. Just because some of us grew up with it, doesn't mean we're all comfortable with it. I'm fine rocking AA and being patchy, but when it all goes, no, that I am not comfortable with. Nobody should be generalizing about anything or anybody with different situations on this site, we're meant to feel comfortable and accepted and safe here.

I couldn't agree more......anything that makes an individual feel better about herself or himself and through that better feeling allows better functioning,is the business of the individual, and no one else.

Your comment on wearing wigs... is so true. Alopecia is so hard, we do not want to make it even harder by questioning our own strenghts and motives when we do not have to. Do which ever you like. Tell your wife I said-hello.



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