Hi, all,

I am about to give up trying to do anything with my failing hair, and am considering shaving it off and wearing a wig instead. Do any of you know anything about wigs and where I could get a good, and hopefully not too expensive, one? I'd really appreciate it.


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Hi Anne,
I live in Washington State, smallish town a bit out of the way from Seattle or Tacoma, I find that we don't have many wig salons in the area, unless you venture into Seattle, I learned from someone on this site that lives close to me that there is one in Tacoma that she has visited too, there is one somewhat close to me that is where I bought my first wig (only wig so far) It's sad that there are not more choices here, but I'm going to try it again, I paid quite a bit for the wig I got, about 375 I think what I would really like is to check out the different kind of wigs out there, because I don't know much about the different kinds and how they would work for me. Like you I tend to get hot to, I'm in the same menopause boat as you, and I did notice that my wig was a bit warm, I would think it would be like wearing a hat on a really hot day, our weather is about the same, and you know that we don't get much really hot weather, but when I'm out walking about on a hot day my head gets sweaty and I think it could be really uncomfortable then. I'm hoping to go soon and check them out. Do you have some shops where you are?

Hi, Christine,

Thank you for the feedback. I am really new to this but I went to an alopecia support group recently and some of the places they recommended were 'Mohair' and a lady named Helena in Langley. There is also a place I saw on West Broadway plus a place on Kingsway called Abantu, but I've not tried any of them yet.

Good luck in your search!


Anne, my two personal favorites are Gala by Gabor and Sandie by Noriko. I have ordered both Gala and Sandie from Ebay and galleryofwigs.com. Good luck on finding the perfect one for you!

I just gave up on my failing hair also. Just last week I shaved it off. Very strange feeling but I couldn't stand it anymore. And I was so tired of clipping my wigs on - boy that hurts. Now I have more security taping the top and bottom on and I am good to go. I even sleep in it. It is a synthetic wig by Amore - "Stevie" I really like it because it is long, thin and straight. I was able to get it cut and layered to a very close look to what I had before. I had a not so good experience with Jon Renau human hair wig "Angie" This synthetic one was so much softer and shinier. That prompted me to contact Jon Renau and complain that my very expensive ($1200) wig was so much worse looking than my $100 synthetic wig. It was dry and brittle. They said I may have gotten a bad batch of hair and they did say for me to take it back to the salon and return it. I am in the process now of waiting for it to come back. But I am almost mad at myself for not just buying 3 or 4 of the synthetic one instead of insisting that I needed a human hair wig to look natural. NOT TRUE!! THis synthetic one looks great all of the time. No muss no fuss. Enough of my babbling. Shaving my head was hard but I am glad I did it for the comfort of my wig wearing. Hang in there. I am very new to this too and am sure I will hit many bumps in the road.

BMG, I totally agree with you on synthetic wigs. They do look great ALL the time and all I have to do is just shake it out, place it on my head and out the door I go. I don't sleep in my wigs because for me they are just too hot, but glad that you are able to do so. I wish I could.

Hi, BMG,

That's interesting that you were able to get the wig cut and layered. I never thought about that! Also it's good to know that synthetic wigs are just as good, or better, than 'natural' ones.

I'm still rather nervous about all this, but to be honest it can't be any worse than losing self confidence when I look at my thinning hair. I thought I had conquered this 'self-confidence being related to one's looks' thing, but apparently not.

Thank you for your feedback!


BMG, just had a question for you about your wig, first off who cut it? I've heard alot of people say get your wig trimmed to suit your style, but not sure who would do that, I asked my hairdresser who cuts my hair now if she had ever cut a wig, and she said no. I would think there is some Knack to cutting a synthetic wig? The other question I had was, you said you sleep in it, does that mat it up at all? I bought a wig a few years ago and they told me don't sleep in it it will decrease the life expectency of the wig, frankly I don't feel good about going to sleep without hair, that may sound weird but I just don't think I'm ready for that. Thanks for any thoughts you may have. Also I was surprised when I was told the wigs would only last about six months. Is that true?

HI Christine. Yes you really need to find someone who knows how to cut a wig. I went through my local hospital and they had brochures with hair salons in my area who specialize in chemotherapy and medical hairloss salons. When I found them they were wonderful. They know the right tools to use to thin a wig and how to aerate them so they move naturally. They also know how to troubleshoot which is how they helped me determine that my human hair wig was defective. Also I am like you very uncomfortable sleeping in a hat. I have three young children and I just am not ready for them to see me like that. I really haven't had a problem yet with it matting up. I am going to get a satin pillowcase to help maybe prolong the life of the wig but I know that by sleeping in it I am shortening the life. But I will only sleep in the inexpensive synthetic wig - not the real human hair wig. I haven't been very uncomfortable in it. Like everything with this disease I say this is my new normal and I am amazed how quickly I was able to adjust to the different feel at night. I really don't expect my synthetic wig to last too much longer than six months because I can tell already I am pretty hard on it. Yesterday I pulled it up in a ponytail and went boating. I was amazed how well it stuck with just a little tape on top and bottom. That thing didn't move. Shaving my head was a good decision for me because clips would not have held up that well in that situation and I can remove it and put it on again so much easier. You really have to be ready to move to the next step. It is a process.

One can always buy one wig to "sleep" in. I sleep bareheaded (head shaved), or sometimes, if it's cold in a cotton skullcap...which comes off anyway. And sleeping in a wig will KILLL it.....the sleeping wig shold be for sleep and sleep only. They start looking like dead rats soon enough without the added stress.

My wigs get cut and styled and cleaned by the owner of a local wig shop. He is very skilled, and doesn't charge a lot of money.

Thank you, Ktownnana.

I will look into this.


Ive been wearing full lace human hair wigs for about two years and when i first started i had long hair to my waist it was falling out so much so i buzzed it off and yes it did make it alot easier to wear but now im having regrowth i have like 85% of my hair back and some parts are to my shoulders and it doesnt bother me at all in fact it makes my wig look so much more natural i cut the lace front part off and i pulled my real hair out and it blends with the silk top when i part it right and i take out my sideburns to so it looks very natural so if u do have the fromt of your hair left i would  leave the front it makes wearing a wig so much easier and natural looking 

Hi, I found great wigs just recently, in my 20 plus yrs of living with Alopecia, never found good natural looking wigs, too much money, too much hair looked very wiggy! unitl a month ago I found Milano collections, mcwigs.com, my whole life has changed, beautiful wigs, good prices for human hair, best prices i ever paid and the best wig ever!!!!



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