Hi Everyone,
With the summer well on its way, I am noticing that I am sweating a lot more and my wig is falling back. I try to use the tape but it will not hold to my sweaty head. Has anyone just glued their wig and remove it daily? Will glue work?
I don't want to ruin my wig... I hear you need a special rubber band or something attached to the wig if you want to use glue?

Also.. is it safe to use Moroccan oil on real hair wigs?

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I would be careful not to get any oil or conditioner on the cap. It will loosen the knots. Try super tape, that works best for my daughter. She gets it on ebay.
You can use Moroccan oil on human hair wigs, but as Karen said you need to be careful not to get products like that within an inch of the "root" (knot where the hair is tied to the wig base).

I, too, use Supertape and I have an oily scalp and it still works the best out of everything I have tried. The hold/bond is quite strong. You can also look at the Comfy Grip - which is, I think, the rubber band thing you are referring to. It is made from something like silicone. I have not tried it myself. There is also a Wig Gripper made by Milano which serves the same purpose, but is made from panne velour (looks like a type of velvet) and I know one alopecian who has it and said it really works very well. Hope this helps.
Thanks Vicsta! I find my wig to be dry and it is real human hair so I thought the oil might help. I will just stick to the tape and not attempt any glue. Good tips. Thanks!!

I use Moroccan oil on all of my human hair pieces, and they always look great after I apply it. As warned by others, just avoid application near the base. In the past, I have also used the more pedestrian version, good old VO5, and had great results. I'm still wearing a Freedom wig that was built in 1998, and while the silicone is deteriorating, the hair itself is still beautiful.



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