My Alopecia Areata is getting progressively worse. I have worn a wig before, with my hair cut really short underneath, and it was really uncomfortable and itchy, and I got bullied ALOT at school for it. Now I am more my own person, as I was only 10 when I last wore a wig. But I have been considering just facing my fear and shaving the rest off. But I don't know if I could face it in reality.

Any help?


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hey liz,

today was my first day wearing my wig to work, i am still trying to get used to it. is hot, is itching, is uncomfortable. but i guess it takes time to learn to adjust to it, like first time wearing a bra for me..HAHAHA...I feel like shaving my head too..i think alot of people with alopecia get a sense of relieve when they shave it off..coz there is nothing to lose anymore...and we don't have to constantly check every hour to see if we lost more hair..I will suggest shave when you are really ready, and make sure you are comfortable wearing your wig outside first..
Hi Carol...
I remember when i was 11 years old...wearing my wig for the first time. It was horrible... i felt like i had a dead animal on my head... the wig was waaayyy to heavy.. too full... and red head.. i was a perfect blond when i was little. Did not look like myself at all ( the steroids did not help either).That was horrible.. The sad part is that my parents payed sooo much money to custom make a perfect wig for me. I did not wear it a long time. When i changed wigs... and kind of liked what i saw in the mirror, it got better. After 24 years of practice my scalp is just so use to it. I now wear wigs that you tape to your skin. Its been 4 years and i love it. I am not afraid that when someone will pull on my hair of it the wind blows... my wig will too. The wig gave me alot of freedom. You have to experimant... i know its uncomfortable now... give it time
bye for now
Hi Liz,

Please check out the discussions in the AW Group "Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Head". You'll find many inspiring words from women who proudly go out in the world just the way men who have lost their hair do: cooly and comfortably bald. It isn't for everyone, but those of us who have made this choice will never go back to wearing a wig.

You might also have a look at my profile for pics of what was left of my hair the night before I shaved it all off, and pics of me "out" in the world. Also - check out my videos on YouTube ("Alternatives to Wearing a Wig" and "Living a Bald Life"). Shaving my head saved me months of crying and anxiety over my increasing hair loss. I immediately felt better, and in CONTROL for a change.

I wish I could wear a wig, and I'm happy that it works for many women...but I just can't stand the itching and the heat trapped on my scalp, particularly when I'm physically active hiking or dancing. And, I can't imagine doing a scuba trip like I just did while trying to wear a wig or otherwise hide the fact that I have no hair. I'm bald, and it's who I am now.

Best wishes,
There wigs called freedom wigs and from what I understand fit very well. You can even swim in them but they are costly. When and if you shave will be up to you it is a personal thing and will take time to figure out. Don't be like me and shave it off and then be sorry you did. Most wigs hurt, are hot and feel just weird, but I have a friend who wears a mono full cap wig, not as costly as the freedom wigs, and she does well with it. I have been wearing a wig to work for the last few months and the most recent one I have digs in at the temples. I have even tried using cotton to protect at those places, but it doesn't work. I showed my friend a fellow Alopecian and she said ouch get one like mine. She paid about $500 dollars for hers and it wears and fits very well.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

hey liz... shaved mine off yesterday! I feel free.... just go for it!!! Your hair does not define you!!!!!!! you r beautiful!!!!!
Hi Liz

The choice to shave the last of your hair is very personal and I feel only you will know when it is right for you to do so.

I believe your experience if you decide to do this will be totally different than it was when you were ten. I'm sure it will be far more positive.

Good luck with your decision.




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