I need someone who knows what I'm going through/been through

I've had alopecia universalis since 2006 and have been going through it with no one there to understand exactly what I'm going through. I have support, just no one who truly understands what it's like. It's taken a lot to get me to come on this site, but I realized I can only be strong for so long. I need someone who knows.

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Hello Jen,Welcome and you are not alone. I know what you are going through.


You have come to the right place...YOU ARE NOT ALONE...there are many of us who have felt alone in this journey, but this site has helped us all. Good luck to you and be brave and hold your head up high...a person of quality will not judge you by your "shell"..our hair or lack of it should not define any of us. God Bless.

I grew up with areata (not the most pleasent childhood) and became universalis when i was a teenager... i do not struggle with being bald, i think it looks great and I think with the Lord and an attitude of gratitude for what I do have in life, I can get past the look of being bald, fat, short, basically what ever is supposed to be my body here and now. I will not be defined by what I look like! I refuse to be! and yet i'm happy to describe myself as the bald lady. Embrase who you are and shine for God. Lean on Him to get you to where I am.

Sorry Jen, give up. No one can really understand what its like to go through this, unless they also have....but that's what we're here for!!! We all know how it feels and have gone through the same steps....crying, scared, low self-esteem, depressed, etc... But then you finally learn to accept what challenge has been handed to you. You take each day as best as you can and then you suddenly realize each day seems a little easier and life is way too short to be sad each day over something you have no control over. Keep your chin up girl, as we say here....we are all beautiful hair or no hair! Anytime you need some cheering up or someone to just listen, let me know.

Hi Jen,
My advice to you is simple. Visit www.naaf.org Go to a conference and meet others just like yourself. It will change your life!!! There are also support groups through NAAF.

i agree so much..so many good times ...i..just beng in the same room with people who have the same thing you do..Works Wonder...

Hi Jen,
I've had Universalis since 2003. I knew nothing about Alopecia at the time, and although my husband and family were very supportive I had nobody to talk to that was going through the same thing.

I'd love to talk to you about it.


I know what you're going through! I had alopecia universalis when I was 8yrs old and it grew back five years later. This year I lost it all again. Coming to this site help me to realize I wasn't the only one. There were others who experienced the emotinal strain like I did and I didn't feel so alone. As time goes by it gets better. I still choose not to discuss it since it's a touchy topic with me around others who don't have alopecia. But on this site, I feel free to discuss it and not be judged. Having alopecia is challenging, but strength comes in due time.

have you ever been to a store and you see someone who is handicap and they are just shoppin away,gettin what they need to live..well i feel that they are makin the best of what they are and how to live...like..they got delt what ever card they got delt to play with...we just happen to got delt the alopecia card..but i look at it as ..im good i can walk and talk and think i so happen not to have hair issues,,,yeah its weird to have to explain to people what it is over and over but imagine explaining to people how you lost you arm or what ever,,point,,its not what it is..its how you wear it that matters..if you need anything just ask...i have more than likely been there before..

OK im gonna give it to you like your a STRONG person- ive had this Aleopicia UNIVERSALIS all my life- grade school was a bitch- kids treated me like crap- in the 80s when all the others had big pUFFY hair i wore this beat up old baseball cap- got it taken and had to chase- I CAN go ON and ON poor ME. right/
WELL im here to tell you STRAIGHT out-

It gets better- my DEAR, these days it gets totally better- D4GG312@gmail.com anytime for support- moral and emotional.

Hi Jen, I know how you feel in terms of going through it alone. My friends and family are very supportive but they wont really be able to "get it" because they haven't been through it. I have never met anyone personally that has it and I have had it since 2005. I have recently decided to be a support group leader and am having my first meeting next month where I hope to meet more people like me:) If you ever want to vent this is the place to do so. Feel free to message me if you ever need to talk as well!



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