Hello! I was wondering if anyone else has gained weight on xeljanz or had trouble lossing weight? I know my cholesterol has increased because of the medication and I have gained 10-15 pounds that I can not seem to lose. Right before starting xeljanz I took steroids so I had gained 5-10 pounds from that which I previously was able to lose once off of them but I started xeljanz right after and the weight kept coming. I now am 25 pounds overweight on a very petite frame! I've tried altering my diet and increasing exercise but it barely makes a difference. Has anyone else had this problem or found a way to lose weight while taking the medication?

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Hi Cstarr. Yes, I also have gained about 15 to 20 pounds which I cannot seem to lose. Luckily I was very thin to begin with so no one has noticed that much, but I know, and it is a problem. I have tried eating less, but I never really ate a lot to begin with and I always eat healthy and exercise regularly. Like you, no matter what I do, it does not seem to make a difference. The only good thing is that all of my hair has regrown. I also have high cholesterol, which I never had before.

Hi Starshine...and others. I was wondering what your physician thinks about the increase in Cholesterol. Can you take a statin or will that diminish the effectiveness of Xeljanz. I think my troubles (trigger) began when I took red yeast to combat high cholesterol. Soon after taking red yeast (a natural statin) I went AU. I have suffered from one form of Alopecia or another my whole life so red yeast may have just been a trigger. Anyway, in following various post I see high cholesterol as the biggest negative side effect of Xeljanz. What do the physicians say? Thanks.

Yes I have gained 15 lbs (maybe a little more ) since I started ..I'm small so it's noticeable and I hate it


Your question is exactly what I wanted to ask today in the forum. I have been on steroids for a long time and gained significant weight since then. 3 months after stopping steriods, I started taking Xeljanz. I having trouble losing weight. My doctor said, generally weights starts to return to normal 6 months after the last steriod dose. My 6 months completed yesterday and I am no where near to my earlier weight. I regularly exercise and eat healthy. Tried various eating options etc but nothing seems to be working. 

My doctor previously told me that Xeljanz doesn't lead to weight gain. Did any of your doctor confirm that it leads to weight gain?

Yes, my doctor said exactly same 2 things:

1. weight gained due to steroids start coming off after 6 months

2. tofacitinib doesn't lead to weight gain

I also struggled to lose weight after stopping steroids and I also took more than 6 months to start noticing considerable different in lost weight. But then I finally was able to lose all my extra weight gained due to steroids.

Dont lose hope. Stay positive and continue making consistent efforts of good health regime with healthy diet and regular exercise. Every body is different and so takes different time to show results.

Hi there - I too have had horrible weight gain from my JAK inhibitor (I am on ruxolitinib, not Xeljnz - Xeljanz did not work for me). I am fully 20 pounds over my usual weight (which I maintained for 48 years before I went AU) AND I have high cholesterol for the first time in my life, due to the medication. No matter what I do, I cannot shift the weight, and it it terrible upsetting. I feel bad complaining because I do have my hair back, but the weight gain takes away from the pleasure of having my hair back - I am so uncomfortable.

My doctors have said that some people react this way to JAKs and that there doesn't seem to be anything to be done about  it. Certainly healthy habits, diet, and exercise have not helped me.

Very very frustrating.

I did the Yoga Burn program. The diet and exercise helped me improve my figure and lose 5 kg in just 1 month after I started.



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