HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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Hi all. Hope everyone is keeping well. 
I have a quick question I would like to pose to NIBA customers. How are you finding the results ? Personally my hair growth is fantastic. I have stayed on a constant dose level of 1.5 pills per day (I was on 2.5 beacon pills per day previously) 

Are any of you guys suffering any different side effects ? 
Only thing I have noticed that was unusual was 2 very severe gastroenteritis bouts over the past 8 weeks. I don’t know if they were related to the niba product but it would be interesting to hear if anyone else has experienced similar effects . 

Hi Bibby.. I think we may have switched to Niba JAKNAT around about the same time.. initially I did have a shedding period but this could've have been down to the stress if thinking I was running out of JAKs when couldn't get them from Beacon.. now almost 10 weeks in on 1.5 mg (x3 pills perday) my patches are filling with fuzzy regrowth.. I am shedding the weight I gained with previous pills.. no other side effects to note so mega-happy.. I have started on an antihistamine also which other threads/Facebook groups are advocating.. so no gastro-issues to report 🙂

Hi Sara . Yes it was both of us and some other contributors here that have moved to Niba. I too was under incredible stress changing as I was very satisfied with beacon until they introduced the medical prescription requirement. 

The gastro issues I was suffering has turned out to be a bug circulating around my local area. A number of my social circle have been knocked by it so it’s a relief it’s not associated with the new meds. 

Great to hear you are having luck with filling in those areas affected. It’s a great boost once the areas start to fill in. I personally use some hair spray on the areas filling in to harden the hair shafts and then apply some hair building fibres like toppik. Once applied the areas are completely un-noticeable from the rest of my hair. 
Fingers crossed for you

Hey everyone,

I transitioned to Jaknat just over a month ago.  I was taking 3x5mg tabs with Tofacinix and am taking the same dosage of Jaknat.  The transition to date has been seamless with no side-effects.  I’ll try and post next month as well to let everyone know how Jaknat is working but so far so good.

Hi, can someone let me know what Niba charge for minimum 10 boxes of Jaknat 5MG inc delivery? And to confirm Niba do not need prescription, im in Australia, in U.S, dollars price would be fine, cheers.

Hi Paul. . No NiBA don't require a prescription which is what prompted many UK/Europe based folk to switch to them from Beacon.. if you email Niba they provide you with a cost/ carrier charges to Australia will be different to my charge to UK and all in $US.. I paid approx £350 for x12 boxes of 60 tabs..😃


What do you think of this new medication Litfulo? I value your opinion because you saved my life. Now my Alopecia is worse than ever and it’s not stress. I had big time stress 3 months ago but was in tofacitinib and my hair did not fall out. So I believe it to be the new med I took for a month Litfulo. I was back on tofacitinib now for 5 weeks, but still so much hair is falling out that now I feel like I should go on Litfulo. I think I’m so confused right now. All I do know is tofacinitib grew all my hair back and was normal for years….    

Is anyone taking tofak from cipla, company from India?

Tofajak 5mg, I’ve been taking it for two months… my hair is falling all out… humm


Has anyone ordered from mpris pharmaceuticals?

I am considering ordering as Beacon no longer ship without a prescription to the UK. 

I have been on Tofacitnib for 10 months with good results. I ordered from NIBA, they sent me the brand Jaknat XR which is a different brand than previously used although the medication is the same. Unfortunately after 1 month I can seen that my hair is drastically falling out. If anyone knows how I can get the Beacon brand to the UK please let me know. 

Many thanks,


Hi Jas 

send me a dm, I may be able to help you. 



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