HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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Paul_melb you've just made my day.

That's great news. And so happy Tofacinix is working for you with less side effects than other drugs.

So glad I came across this forum too!!

No probs, but please be careful, with side effects everyone is different, I would start your son on 10mg a day (5mg in morning and 5mg at night), then if everything seems ok go to 5mg in morning and 10mg at night, I wouldn't go more than 15mg a day unless your doctor says it is ok to do so, plus you have to be patient hair doesn't grow overnight, might take 2 months to see results, also can you please let me know if you receive tablets with no problems, I haven't ordered during this pandemic, cheers.

Iggy I think Paul is absolutely right on with the dosage for your son.
Really really hoping it works for him! 

HI Nicole

Firstly thank you for starting this thread for all of us!

My son started the beacon meds on 17th July and now has 100% scalp regrowth, 100% eyebrows, about 70% beard and 10% eyelashes. He's very happy.

After a follow up with our Dr this week he will do a blood test to check liver function etc

He'll stay on same dose(5mg am/ 11mg pm) for another 3months and then possibly switch to 5mg twice daily.

I was wondering how your progress has been over the last few months? Are you staying on same dosgae?



Hi Iggy 

I would be very slow to reduce the dosage.

The experts at Yale and Columbia want you to be stable for at least a year with full re-growth before starting to take away a gradual pill every once in a while

so say switch your 11 mg to a 5 mg on just Monday night and then do Monday and Wednesday night and then do Monday Wednesday Friday night spanning  out over a 6 months time or so.  something like that if that makes sense. 

I made the mistake at one point I have just taking my dosage down overnight and I got patches everywhere. 

for me now I remain five in the morning 11 at night but a couple nights a week I switch the 11 to a 5. 

good luck! 

Nicole thanks for your reply, so quick!

Yes we will do the same in that case.

He has no side effects on the current dose anyway.

Hi guys 

Sorry to just jump on this thread. I'm a new member, I only actually joined because I saw your thread. 

I am 34 years old and was diagnosed AU 2 years ago. My hair fell out slowly, started after my last pregnancy then my nan passed and it all fell out quickly on my head. The dermatologist gave me steroids, which despite the good results turned me into a monster, so I stopped those and shortly after my eyelashes and eyebrows were gone.

I have been searching for help, no Dr's in the UK seem to care or have a solution. I had heard about xeljanz, but they aren't available here for alopecia yet. So my desperate search brought me to your forum and I have to say thank you for all the knowledge and information, its been more uplifting than any Dr I have seen.

I decided to order some tofacinix from Beacon, after seeing all your posts.

I just wanted to know if anyone in the UK has confided in their GP about this for blood test monitoring and what was the response? And has anyone previously used DHL? 

Also, I ordered 6 boxes of 5mg, to start 10mg daily - is this a good starting dose?

Sorry to bombard with questions, I am just so very grateful and excited/scared about the prospect of feeling like me again. 

When you're on Tofacitinib, it is recommended you get labs done at least every 6 months. I ask my GP to run a full blood panel, including checking liver and kidney functions (Tofanicitib can cause fatty deposits on the liver and elevate your cholesterol. 

10 mg daily is a good start, but for best results, suggest eventually increasing your dosage to 20mg per day (10mg twice a day().

Good luck!

Thanks Anisha. 

Do you mind telling me how you approached it with your GP? Did you tell them you ordered them from abroad etc? 

I was initially on Xeljanz prescribed by my dermatologist, and my GP was aware. When I switched to Tofanacix because my insurance no longer covered Xeljanz, I never told my GP. He assumes I'm still taking Xeljanz prescribed by my dermatologist. My dermatologist, however, knows I'm taking meds from abroad. They don't approve of course, but they can't do anything about it.

Oh I see, sorry I assumed you were in the UK.

Thanks for the info :) 

Hi I did for my daughter Privat I haven’t told my Gp for that . I found dermatologist to tell me what blood  test to do and where and I did everything privat  good luck 



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