HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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Talking to some other folks that run other alopecia groups they are also recommending Niba. Seems to be the only other player right now.

I did message Mouree from beacon on whatsapp and they say yes they are still taking orders, but i emailed them an order request and no response yet...

I spoke too soon.

they wrote me back and i just sent in an order to beacon. keep you posted posted

Hi Starshine, I just learned the news about Beacon. What is this other pharmacy NIBA? Can you please send me a link.

Thank you!

Hi, Starshine. Does this pharmacy require a prescription? My doctor won't write me a script for Beacon because she doesn't want me to get meds out of country. I have been getting tofacinix from Beacon in Bangladesh for a couple years, but now they require a script. My hair, lashes, brows, and nails are the best they have been for years, but I only have about 2 weeks worth left. I am starting to panic. Thanks for any info you can provide.

Hi  Merry.  No, no rx needed.  I just ordered.  It was very easy and they seem very fast and professional.  They sent me an invoice and I did a bank wire transfer. I just got the tracking receipt. Good luck.

Hey Merry

It's great if you can use the new pharmacy

having an Rx is a pain.

I do have an Rx and i just was able to place an order with beacon. will keep you guys posted how it goes

If you are in a pinch until you get you new meds just message me i can send you some to hold you over i keep a huge stockpile of the beacon meds. happy to send you a couple boxes

I tried to place an order with NIBA last week. The only form of payment they take is Revolt. So, I tried to set up an account with them. First of all, you can only use your smart phone to do this. You cannot arrange for transfers, or set anything up on a laptop or iPad for example. Second of all, their customer service is nonexistent. There is no phone number to call. There are virtually no instructions for how do use this app. I thought I had finally transferred money, and they gave me a confirmation saying that I had transferred money, but several days late Niba still have not received the money. As it turns out, I have not transferred the money correctly. I tried to do it again, and I was still unable to do it, despite putting in the correct numbers that I was instructed to do. It was ultimately not able to match the bank information to the appropriate address in India. At that point, I gave up, as an aside, Canadian pharmacy now carries generic xeljanz from Canada, which is a bit more expensive, or from Turkey, which is a bit less expensive. It is much more expensive than Beacon. 

Did you add NIBA as a new Bank Recipient (business account) and then try and transfer the money? If so, are you using the company’s address or the company’s banks address? As far I know you need to use to company’s actual address rather than their banks.

Sorry you had difficulty.  I did a ba k transfer through my bank and it went great.  NIBA sent me their bank info and an invoice with all their contact info.  I think their customer service has been great.  

Did you just do a bank transfer like you do with Beacon? Do you need to use Revolt?


Does the Canadian pharmacy require a prescription?

I may need some meds if you have any to spare. Thanks



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