HI Guys,

Has anyone imported Xeljanz from india via Fedex?

Just wondering if its reliable and if it gets through customs without issue.


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Do they require a prescription?

I’ve made a stupid assumption. I assumed Jaks had been approved in Europe and managed to get a prescription from an Ireland based GP (I’m Irish) with the view I could get the tofa pills signed off at an Irish pharmacy under the Irish drugs payment scheme. 

Not a hope. Jak inhibitor medication in the EU is tied up in some EU bureaucratic nightmare system with specialist required sign offs at the very highest level. 

I’m now out of xeljanz pills and have to embark on an order with beacon again (been dealing with Beacon for 3 and half years at this point and never experienced any problems)

Can anyone tell me what the quickest way to get xeljanz from beacon is ? (I’ve usually used EMS to my UK address but it takes 3-4 weeks) . Has anyone used DHL to the UK (with beacon). ? I have an Irish sourced prescription so maybe DHL will be secure from customs issues to the UK !

Having been on 12.5mg of tofa for nearly 4 years now I’m very much panicking as to what medical jeopardy I’m in having to instantly stop my xeljanz intake. Will I get sick having fully stopped etc in the interim of awaiting my new order ? Will all my fully regrown hair fall out in this interim? 
Any advise from this amazing forum would be greatly appreciated as I’m very stressed out atm

Update ….. I’ve placed an order with Niba. Very fast communication via email. They accept transfer-wise as a payment form and have assured swift dispatch of the parcel with tracking (EMS) to my UK address. Fingers crossed 

I just received my order from NIBA.   They sent me a tracking number the day after I paid and my order came 7 days later.  Very good company to deal with, very professional and great customer service.

That’s a relief to hear starshine. I paid them via transfer wise yesterday morning and got a follow up email from them within an hour assuring me they will post once payment clears in their account. 

The email communication is amazing so far. I’ll get a tracking number on Tuesday or Wednesday so fingers crossed. 

Do you have a link you can send? Thanks

Just email niba.sales@gmail.com.  You can Google their website at NIBA Healthcare

Hi Bibby,

I have also just placed my 1st order via Niba having previously used Beacon.. ordering JAKNAT instead of TOFACITINIB .. hoping that delivery to UK via EMS us still smooth.. thanks to all on here for pointing me in the right direction.. Sara

Hi Saraloujay. I’ve never experienced any problems to UK with EMS so trying to be hopeful there’s no issue too. I’ve found the EMS time scale to be rather inconsistent though. Sometimes it takes 3-4 weeks but other times only 1 week. Hoping it’s the latter of these as I’m out of pills now 5 days (ago)

Im presuming the main component to jaknat is Tofacitinib but I’m daunted to be changing the brand as the packaging and pills look very different. 

Hi Bibby.. yes had the same experience with EMS, anywhere between 1-3 weeks coming through customs (Dakhar/Coventry UK).. yes daunting switching brands but did my research on levels of Tofacitinib Citrate so as long as this is as they say.. are you in the UK did you mention?.. Sara..

Yes Sara, I’m Dublin Ireland based but I have a relative (aunt) in Northern Ireland (UK district) who thankfully takes my medication in on delivery. 

Ah OK .. was just thinking you were saying you were short of JAKS so depending on what updates we both get from EMS/ tracking, was thinking I could ship some across if you are going to long without them.. think i have about 2 months supply left  :-)



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