I have received a lot of interest from others on here in my involvement with the Xeljanz trials at Yale.

I thought it would be nice for everyone if I documented my progress on here. 

Xeljanz is a Jak3 inhibitor and is believed to work with alopecia by turning off the distress signal relayed by the hair follicle to the attacking immune system which is the cause of the hairs falling out. Xeljanz comes in a strength of 5mg per pill and a full box contains 60 tablets. The recommended dosage for arthritis is 1 tablet in the morning and another in the evening each day.

The trial is set in a series of stages and there are requirements before participating. These include monthly visits and blood tests every 2 weeks. Dr Brett King is absolutely fantastic and is an inspiration to me. His positivity and enthusiasm gives me the much needed hope I have craved for over a decade. I have been put on a low dose to start with which is 1 tablet every other day. My dosage has now been increased to 1 tablet every day and next month it could be increased to 2 tablets per day depending on the results. 

I have completed my first month and have already noticed my alopecia has stabilised . I have not lost any existing hairs. In addition to this I have seen little hairs growing in my chest area as well as eyebrows. Fingers crossed! To date, I have experienced no side effects.


AW:  Other discussions on Xeljanz / Tofacitinib



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hey, does anyone know if shaving my head while on xeljanz affects results in any way?

Why would you shave your hair if you are trying to get it to grow? Your growth is going to be uneven no matter what. Certain areas grow back first while others are more resistant and take longer (and sometimes a higher dose) to fill in.
Hi Xelijanzmiracle how's going
how's Xelijanz going with you
I'm always follow you with your news hair
I'm so happy to see your new hair
give us your updates
I'm Also have AA
but still not using Xelijanz yet!
think you
and so excised your new
Thanks. I just posted an updated picture yesterday. Here it is again. I have complete regrowth, except under my arms, and that's fine with me, lol!
Wow that's great
how long from now you take Xelijanz ?
and do you have any side affect ?
and I'm hesitate to start Xelijanz
do you recommend me to do that !!
huge thanks for your respond
For my background, and all of my progress and pictures on Xeljanz, you can read my discussion called "From Totally Bald to Regrowth in One Month!" Its under Symptoms and Treatments on the main Discussion page. I started taking Xeljanz on July 28, 2015. I haven't had any side effects, but I did get bronchitis last month (almost everyone I know had it or the flu). While I was sick, I discontinued Xeljanz for about a week so my body wouldn't be hampered fighting the infection. I took my antibiotics and steroids and went back on Xeljanz when I finished them. It's up to each individual to weigh the risks and decide if they want to try Xeljanz. Aside from being allergic to gluten, my health is pretty good. My blood work has been fine.

the answer is quite simple - i don't wear wig and being bald looks less "creepy" than having patchy head. I know my growth is going to be uneven, I want to stop shaving my head as soon as I find my regrowth visually acceptable. The question is, if I shave it on daily basis and then from time to time I'll stop it for few days to see results will it be ok? Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.

I tottaly understand you. Im thinking that is doesnt affect the growth, if you shave your head, since X works from inside

It doesn't work that way. Your hair will continue to be different lengths. Different areas will grow at different rates. You can't avoid the "patchy look". But will it hurt you in any way to shave your head? No. But complete regrowth takes months and over a year for some individuals so how will you be able to see your progress in all areas of your scalp? If you don't want everyone to see your uneven growth, you can also wear a hat or scarf if you are female.
Still on my 4th month here is my progress
Fantastic growth Jcortez05!
Thank you I sometimes miss doses or take 1 a day just to see if it still grows and it had been .. I'll be stopping around sept I'm a little worried but I'm trying to prepare myself for it just in case



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