Hey everyone;

Just wondering whether you can help, I was diagnosed 7 days ago, after a bald patch developed in the middle of my hair line, on my forehead. During the time I was loosing my hair, I felt this really strange burning sensation around the area the hair was falling out. I can now feel it down the side of my head, has anyone else experienced this? Is it a sign of further hair loss?

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yes, same with me. i've had all my hair for maybe almost a year now, but i definitely had that tingling/itchy feeling on and around the last spot i had. it also tingled while it was growing back.

in the year that i've had no spots, i have noticed a tingling from time to time and it always made me jump to the mirror and check (and check, and check, and check..) but i had never noticed any more loss.

but.. the past few days i've noticed a tingling in the same area, which has gotten me worried. i had my girlfriend check for me today (because its on the top of my head near the back) and she said she didn't see anything, except one spot where she tried to describe something, but i couldn't understand what she meant. well, actually.. i knew. i just wanted to be in denial. i went a few hours without checking again for myself but i just spent some time looking at that area in the mirror and i seem to notice what could be the beginning of a tiny spot, although its not the exact place where the intense tingling is, but very close to it.

i'm really hoping that it's nothing, but a part of me is very scared. i've tried to be (and was!) so strong throughout the duration of my last bald spot but i've been so grateful to have all my hair back.. i don't want to lose it again! ugh.

oh well.
I'm really sorry you're going through this again. I know how grateful you feel having your hair, I also know there's nothing i can say to reassure you. I know its hard, believe me i do it, but try not to check so often, i still do it, I have a ritual. I wish I could stop it!

If it helps, I still get that tingling/itchy feeling behind my right ear, and have had it since my first attack and (touch wood) my hair is still there, so maybe some of it, if not all is in the mind. Ihope you're ok and if you ever need a friend...I'll listen xxxx
thank you very much. i will try to stay optimistic. :)
I think some of it might be in the mind. I also think after you go through a bout of this you tend to "notice" your scalp (itches, hairlines, etc) a lot more than you did before. Hell, every time I see one hair fall out of my head I sorta flip out.
I think the burning feeling is the inflammation process. In the perimeter of my spots I felt a range of different feelings. From itchy to painful bruise-ie feeling. The area also turned a pinkish color. Several days latter the hair would be gone. : {
It's odd. I experienced sort of a painful, itchy sensation when my spots were growing back in. I haven't heard if this is true for anyone else.



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