
Alopecia Areata

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Started by hayley. Last reply by hayley Oct 17, 2018. 5 Replies

Curious about Age of AA

Started by Rayne. Last reply by BaldEagle Oct 15, 2018. 29 Replies

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Comment by Cynthia Lee Watkins on June 14, 2010 at 4:15pm
Welcome, Christine. Everyone here is very kind and supportive. I understand your desire to shave your head and "not deal with trying to hide your bald spots." There are many types of wigs; I suggested you educate yourself on the many types of wig caps, and what can be done to make wigs more comfortable to the wearer. It's not as bad as you think.
Comment by Christine Corriveau on June 14, 2010 at 2:53pm
Hi everyone.
I found my Alopecia Areata on my 24th birthday. I was lucky and my bald spots were relatively easy to hide, a simple comb over did the trick, and a lot of hairspray in case the wind blows. I was always worried about that! My spots started out as 2 spots the size of a tea light candle, and right beside them I formed 2 more and they eventually grew into each other making 2 big bald patches. They only lasted 4 months and grew back. I thought I would be in the clear for a while, I know some people can go 5-10 years with out hair loss. But I only got 3 months I now have 3 patches again. One that concerns me, its only pea sized right now, but it is right on the front of my head, and we all know how they like to grow.I refuse to deal with hiding my bald spots again. This time I will shave it off and buy a wig. I hear their uncomfortable but I think I would prefer that. I have some days where I don't care that I have this, but they don't out weigh the days that I do care. I am happy I found this site. Its nice to not feel so alone.
Comment by Katelyn McArdle-Rodriguez on May 7, 2010 at 10:49pm
To Brenda,
Over the last 10 months my Alopecia has increasingly gotten worse. Started with small patch in the back and just kept getting bigger and bigger. I feel your frustration! Two weeks ago I decided that worrying about covering it up, clogging the drain and waking up in a pile of hair was not worth it anymore! I have buzzed my head and now I wear scarves most of the time and let me tell you it was the greatest decision I could have made! I thought it was going to be more emotional but it was empowering, now I don't have to stress about those things. Be brave, be bold, and be bald!
Comment by Tom Patterson on May 7, 2010 at 6:51pm
Hey all, I was wondering if someone could answer me this. I grew my hair out really, really long when I had AA and then the conditioned started to regress and grow back in. I got my hair cut for a play I'm doing down in Florida and for some reason I feel as if where my hair parts is wider and my hair is still a bit thin. I'm fairly convinced this is from the AA I had before, it's been about seven months since it started growing back in. Anyone else notice this?
Comment by Joyce Marie Hawes on May 1, 2010 at 4:49pm
Hi, Been awhile since I've commented on here. Sorry. I'm getting so tired of wearing wigs everyday. I take it off when I go to bed. My scalp sweats and I don't know what to do about it. It makes me have headaches sometimes. Would a real air wig be better or the fake hair. Joyce
Comment by Cheryl, Co-founder on May 1, 2010 at 11:45am
Hi Brenda, for me it was easier to focus on what I can do. I quickly realized that I have no control on whether the hair stays or goes. So I focused on how can I truly make this me. I realize that I didn't want to change my personal style, but how can I make this reality fit with my style. I like things basically classic, with a little twist. Actually when I really thought about it, it really worked with my alopecia. My hair styles became my twist. I guess what I mean to say, it somehow find a switch your focus on what you can change. experiment a little when you are by yourself. Think of all of your different options and try them out. Experiment with hair color and styles if you wish to wear wigs or scarves, hats or possibility of going au naturel. If you are staying true to yourself you will find a style that works for you. Or possibly a few styles. I know that at one time I wore wigs to work but scarves, hats and occasionally bald when I was not at the office. Eventually I started to gravitate toward my bald look and when I finally made the decision, I was totally comfortable with what I saw in the mirror.
Comment by brenda j on May 1, 2010 at 10:53am
thank you guys!! i promisse that i will take it day by day!!! i have to be strong, and well it's true, i didn't ask for this, soo0 theres nothing to be ashamed of, and i'm not a ashamed, i can tell people about it but, the thing is i don't wanna loose it, but well i think time is going to tell me the answer and i have to be ok no matter what!!!
Comment by soniamarry on April 30, 2010 at 7:24am
I think you have to take it day by day! I know that this is easier said thhan done. I too worry when i lay my head down on the pillow at night, what tomorrow will bring. For me, i worry because i'm new to this, but as the days go on i am starting to feel more comfortable with myself. You have to realize that what makes you beautiful is not your hair, but what's inside of you! Don't worry about it because your true friends and family wil see you for the beauty from within! :) Remember, no one asked for this to happen to them so there's nothing to be ashamed of.Feel free to friend me if you wanna talk! :)
Comment by Stephanie on April 30, 2010 at 7:19am
One day at a time. Don't think about the future with your hair, just figure out a way to make yourself content with the way you look in this moment. Worrying about the next time you shower (or brush your hair, or wake up in the morning) is wasted energy and will only increase your anxiety. That's how I deal with it anyway. I'm glad you have a good support system. That really helps. Hang in there :) Stephanie
Comment by brenda j on April 29, 2010 at 11:05pm
my alopecia it's getting worse!! and i'm lossing my mind!! it's getting really hard to cover it, but i refuse to shave it! i don't want to, i also notice some new hair, so i don't know what a f%$"... because it's like i'm better, but ammmmm i'm also worse!! soo0o that really drives me crazy!!! i really tired!! and my friend and my boyfriend are really suportive, and also my sisters, but my mom i don't know she dosen't makes me feel like i'm beautiful no matter what, she makes me feel like you don't look normal, and god, i hate that, so i have problems with her and this alopecia it's driving me crazy!! i don't know what to doo0... i'm scare of mirrons, to see my floor after brush my hair, to wach my bed when i wake up, i just can ingnor them!! i think about it almos all the time! and i know that this behaivoir, is just going to make it worse, soo0 i don't know what to doo0o0o... any advice??!

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