
Alopecia Areata

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Comment by Danette on December 1, 2009 at 7:19am
Melissa, this time I started with a hair piece- so that is a possibility as well. You keep what hair you have, and this covers the top of your head - or you can get one to cover 3/4 of your head if you need it. You can get one of human hair to match your hair and it looks very natural. I wore one for four months until I could not cover the back of my head anymore - then I opted for a full wig.
Comment by Melissa Harris on December 1, 2009 at 12:25am
Well it's kinda reassuring to know that there are some of you out there that are living like me. Even though this is stressful, I still do have some hair and yes it looks like crap to me but I don't get any stares and no one really notices me. I think it would be worse if I had a wig and that's why I'm so concerned with getting the best one that I can right now. I've been searching quite a bit lately and it's been tiring to say the least! I really just wish that I could keep what I got and work with it for now but I know that just might not be the case, When I get on AW, I feel like everyone just was AA and turned to AT, AU and it's only a matter of time. But after reading a lot on the net, the medical sites pretty much say that is rare so I don't know what to think. Maybe the doctors and all the research is wrong. As you can probably see, I'm still trying to make sense of something that doesn't make sense! LOL! I know, it's crazy! I guess it's all part of the process and I'm hoping that I can just be happy again and NOT WORRY about the hair ANYMORE!! So tired of it! Thanks for all the replies! I wish you all well on this AA journey! Melissa :)
Comment by Danette on November 30, 2009 at 11:33pm
I did not shave until this (my fourth) time - which 22 years after my first time. I have gone a period of 10 years and another of about 9 with a full head of hair. There is no predicting what will happen. This time, I shaved it off - which helps my wig fit better - and it seems to be growing back. You never know!
Comment by Georgie on November 30, 2009 at 11:20pm
There were moments when I was ready to shave my head. Covering the spots was semi-hopeless. That's when I pulled out the hat and barrettes. I used a bandanna a few times with a hat over it.

Honestly, the spots haven't bothered me THAT much. It's the condition of the hair that is there that I am unhappy with. Dry, frizzy, thin...awful. That being said, I've put a lot of effort into preserving what I have. I've come a long way. I make sure to get it cut regularly and that helps.

If it comes time that it isn't possible to cover the spots then....well, I'll shave it and select a new hairstyle for myself with a wig. At least then there won't be any bad hair days.
Comment by Heather L on November 30, 2009 at 1:05pm
Hey Melissa,

YES I live with AA and cover spots with my hair. I have never shaved my head. I do worry of course that the day will come that I can no longer hide my spots with my own hair...but so far so good. And on and off I have had AA for 20 years. The last five it has been consistently active ( no remission breaks!!).... and now I have about 18 spots- most small and I use steroid foam every night on them. still hiding them and still hopeful they will go away!
Comment by richard on November 30, 2009 at 12:45pm
i do, all grew back after 90 % loss
Comment by Paul dann on November 30, 2009 at 12:43pm
I still walk around with my crop circles, see my photo album... but i'm not happy about having them!
Comment by Melissa Harris on November 30, 2009 at 12:18pm
SO question, is everyone on here that's AA currently, still have their own hair or have you all shaved it off? I'm trying to figure out if anyone one here lives with AA and can walk around with their own hair, or does everyone with AA eventually just shave their heads because it gets so bad and never really cosmetically acceptable to walk around with hiding patches? I haven't met too many people on here that do that. It seems like everyone shaves their heads and AA always gets worse with time. Is there anyone out there that has not shaved their head that can walk around with their own hair still?? Thanks! Melissa
Comment by Tom Patterson on November 30, 2009 at 2:22am
Hey all, I'm new to the site. It's completely cool.

I've got alopecia areata. It's currently in remission, but I figured hey, it could relapse and so I might as well have a support system. The fall happened in two big spurts. I lost about 20% of my hair, it stopped, and then came back in very friggin' slowly. I'm back to almost full hair (I used rogaine, really don't think it had anything to do with the regrowth) with the exception of one slow growing spot just about my neck and one semi-thin quarter sized patch where the worst loss occurred. All in all, I noticed missing eyelashes in February and got to my current state in mid-October.

I never went to get shots in my scalp, so I had quite a few wait and see moments. It actually started to get better when I stopped looking in the mirror, to tell you the truth. My doctor said what "triggered" my case was super poor nutrition (long story) and high anxiety. I know "causes" of this random thing is a controversial topic, but for me, maybe because I didn't have a super severe case, it started to correct itself when I stopped worrying about it. Again, no idea if that had anything to do with the current remissionish state.
Comment by richard on November 29, 2009 at 10:01am
good for u

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