
Alopecia Areata

Join today to meet, support and share information and resources with others who are also living with patchy hair loss.

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Latest Activity: Jan 28, 2022

Discussion Forum

Help please

Started by hayley. Last reply by hayley Oct 17, 2018. 5 Replies

Curious about Age of AA

Started by Rayne. Last reply by BaldEagle Oct 15, 2018. 29 Replies

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Comment by richard on September 29, 2009 at 11:44pm
for all of u out there who have lost hope of regrowth, i have experienced almost 90% regrowth over last 8 weeks. once i accepted it it came back
Comment by Lynn on September 29, 2009 at 5:58pm
Hi everyone!
Comment by Dawn on September 27, 2009 at 12:22am
Hello. Thanks and sorry about the double post. I agree this is a wonderful website.
Comment by Danette on September 27, 2009 at 12:13am
Welcome - Amber and Kirsteen. I know that this is a difficult Diagnosis to deal with - but joining this website can really help a lot. You can get questions answered - and not feel alone. I have been dealing with Alopecia Areata on and off for 22 years. We didn't have internet support groups the first couple of times I dealt with this - so I am really happy for this support.
Comment by Dawn on September 27, 2009 at 12:07am
Hi. I just beeb dx'ed aa last wk and hardly coping.
Comment by Dawn on September 27, 2009 at 12:07am
Hi. I just beeb dx'ed aa last wk and hardly coping.
Comment by Kirsteen Forrest on September 25, 2009 at 12:42pm
Hi everyone! I've just joined AW a week or so ago. How are you all? K x
Comment by James Baughn on August 5, 2009 at 1:36am
Hello, I'm also new to this site. I have had AA since February 2009. I first noticed it two days after my 50th birthday! Now I have one golf ball sized spot on the right side of my head, a large spot on the left side in the front all the way to the hair line and a spot that includes about an inch back at my right side burn. Something that I have that I don't see much discussion about is that only my dark hair fell out. I have had a touch of grey for years and it remains. Anyone else experience this? The only way I can cover up the front spot really looks like a comb over and the side burn part is impossible. I'm considering the shaved look but I'm reluctant to go there. Anyway, I'm glad I found this site, its not easy to talk about this with people who haven't experienced it.
Comment by Christine on July 22, 2009 at 2:59pm
Hi, I'm new to this site, but have had AA for about 7 yrs now, I have not gone the injection route, and may never, but have used Clobetasol, and a few snake oil treatments that promised to grow all my hair back, and cure my AA. Right now I'm trying for the first time Minoxidil, has anyone else tried this with success, I started losing about 3-4 wks ago, unusual for me as it's summer,(I usually lose in the fall) I am still shedding and have several spots near the top of head, and couple at back, one thing is I'm regrowing, I have never done that before, usually I lose, it stops and I remain bald for months before it begins to come back, and always with the small white hairs, not now hair coming in is dark. I don't know if this is the Minox or not, I also lose in the Ophiasis pattern, and have not tried it in the past as most opinions agree that this is the most resistant form of AA. Please I would love to hear from anyone who has tried this, good or bad. Thanks Christine
Comment by richard on July 15, 2009 at 12:11pm
i do believe most people here are good, it only takes one worm to spoil an apple, so i am a sceptic. if u r above board u will understand.

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