
Alopecia Areata

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Curious about Age of AA

Started by Rayne. Last reply by BaldEagle Oct 15, 2018. 29 Replies

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Comment by Dave on January 23, 2011 at 4:58pm
I do get that stinging you're talking about. I use hydrocortisone when it does. Sometimes it keeps me up at night it's so bad. Usually
That Knocks it right out. I am amazed that I have any hair at all with how it's falling out. I have a feeling I'm going to wake up one day to a furry pillow and a really cold head. My facial hair is tingling off and on at wired times and I find mustache hairs here and there. Is that right before the big fall of hair? Trying to gauge when the best time would be to shave it all off.
Comment by Angie on January 23, 2011 at 4:11pm
Comment by Dave on January 23, 2011 at 3:05pm
No problem, Angie- I do use what Ive gotten from AA to help all areas of my life including this. One of them is "one day at a time"- I don't have to sweat the pain of yesterday or the worries of tomorrow. The other is acceptance- that I have a disease I didn't create and can't fix and can't help others reactions to it. Also it helps me accept others as they are, that if someone is being rude or thoughtless, it's only because they don't have it and can't understand. Most days I forget I have AA, but I know it would be a lot harder for a woman since beauty is so important.
Comment by Angie on January 23, 2011 at 2:29pm
I sometimes get this stinging below my neck. I keep asking my family check, but there's nothing there. I thought a bug bit me, but it's winter! I think my allergies starting later on, two months ago. Congratulations! on your recovery with the real AA that matters for your physical health. This AA can ready do damage to our mental health, but Dave I think your fine in both departments. I'm going be okay too with friends like you. Thank you and all my other family members of AW.
Comment by Dave on January 23, 2011 at 6:46am
I have had the onset of Alopecia since 1998-ish, back when I was in the Navy. I didn't understand it then, but it started hurting a lot to get my neck shaved. Like claws on a sunburn. Now, all that area is all white hairs. Right around that time is also when I noticed allergies starting. It's been progressing ever since. I've been tested for allergies twice and found that I am not allergic to any foods. Now that I'm 47, I don't care that my hair is falling out. It's not as big a deal as it would be if I were 25. I do get weird looks and comments because I have a white square block over my left ear, but telling people I have AA usually calms things down. I'm also a recovering alcoholic, and that is way more important to me than recovery from this. Yes, it would be nice to have all my hair because in my job, I bump my head a lot and it hurts a lot more without hair, but other than that, I'm ok with it.
Comment by Angie on January 22, 2011 at 10:00pm
Hey vin!
Thank you the suggestions, I look forward to your input. I will keep a journal of everthing I eat. question- What kind of oil do u use to cook with? I went to the supermarket and it went well.
Comment by Stephanie on January 22, 2011 at 10:05am
Hi Angie, Let's see, my hair fell out starting late summer 2009 (about 75%) and then all of my eyebrows and a lot of my body hair but not my lashes. I think it's been since September that my hair totally filled in and most of the brows are back :) I still need to use brow powder but they were totally bald before so now there is some texture. So many people are gluten-intolerant and that is why there are quite a few products out there. Learn about what you CAN have and focus on that, and the gluten-free products are a great way to make you feel like you're not missing out on your favorite foods.
Good luck. The brows are easy enough to fill in. I use a powder and setting gel that is amazing, and I don't think anyone ever noticed that my brows were gone. We do have lots of options which is nice.
Comment by Angie on January 22, 2011 at 9:43am
Stephanie: Thank you so much, I'm going to get dress and go to the suppermarket. How long did it take your to regrow your hair. My eye brows are falling out. I still have hair,I have spots and thinning. I use to live near ct, i'm in ga now i hope GA is on dope of these products. :-)
Comment by Angie on January 22, 2011 at 9:39am
Emile:Thank you, for sharing with me. I am happy you found something that work and been made some changes in my life as well. It's called" Nope! I'm not doing it" :-)
My hair did not yet grow back, but it's not all out so maybe "sorphrologie" and "Nope I'm not doing it" is all most the same. TY again.
Comment by Stephanie on January 22, 2011 at 7:21am
I went off gluten entirely when my hair started to fall off, and cut way back on sugar as well. My hair grew back. I have no idea if that was a factor but it's a better diet anyway so it's worth a try. There are so many gluten-free products out there so you don't have to miss out on anything (cereals, breads, desserts). Look in the "health food" sections or stores like Trader Joe's that have just about anything you would want.

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