I have AU and am wanting to try a natural, non-girly looking set of false eyelashes. I'd rather order them online than go in somewhere and try em on. can anyone offer a good place to get them online?

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Gosh Craig, so wish I could help! I have had the worst time trying to do some myself and finally gave up. Even though every 8 months or so I buy another set to try again LOL. If you get the darn things on I wouldn't mind some pointers :o)
If you order on line I would strongly recommend finding a local make-up artist and having some private lessons and practice in how to apply. I can give you the names of some. Feel free to send me a pm with your city.

Even when we get them online at falseeyelashesstore.com they always look most natural when you trim the length. I would also suggest getting the shortest lashes anyway.

There are some attached to an extremely thin invisiband..but even those look best with eyeliner over it....which makes it more difficult for guys to get away with it.
if you have deep set eyes, lid folds or wear glasses....these factors can work to your benefit .Again, I really think that if you had a session with a pro make-up artist it would save you a lot of frustration figuring out if it's going to be feasible or not. Are you near New York, Boston, LA, Chicago or Philly? I have referrals for those cities.

Lashes are cheap..the technique takes a lot of practice and you need to be sitting down in front of a highpowered magnifying mirror. So expect to go through a bunch of them while testing this out. Experiment with the right height and angle of the mirror...that's where a pro can help sort that out. Even the way you hold the lashes in a pair of tweezers to get them in place can make the process go more smoothly. It's like riding a bike....tough at first and then it all falls into place.

wow, didn't know there was so much to it. Still thinking about. Thanks for your info! By the way, I live in Sacramento, CA
Hey Craig,

I never tried the falsies but I did get the tattoos done which I like alot. They dont look girly at all.
I can give you the info if you would like.

sure. Thanks
My Paramedical Tattoo Artists name is Athena.
www.athenaunionsquare.com or 415 412 9700

I would probably go with permanent makeup. Jeff Segal looks like he does great work too. False eyelashes are a pain ;/ Thay are difficult to put on. However, as a man, I would suggest you really make sure you get a tattoo artist that knows their stuff! Make sure you look at their work.



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