This may sound bizarre but I'm wondering if anyone has experienced increased sensitivity to their hearing and/or sore eardrums from hearing loud noises? Over the past few years, I've become much more sensitive to loud noises. For instance, when I am in a movie theatre, I find the sound incredibly painful to hear and generally must stuff my ears full of Kleenex to survive.

Yesterday, after a gap of several years, I visited a Ballet performance. The music was not live and piped in through the centre's speakers. The sound was L O U D and after a short time my eardrums were burning in pain. Naturally I had no earplugs or Kleenex in my purse.

At intermission I found some Kleenex and stuffed it into my ear drums.

Too late - my ears are just in so much pain. They are not ringing - just the ear drums are so sore and every little bit of noise hurts.

I was wondering if my hair in my recepters in my ear canals have been lost due to AU?

Anyone else have this issue?

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Yes! I have extra sensitive hearing and always have. I hate going to the movies because it's always so loud, I always end up with a headache. My friends all love to have their music blasting, but I just can't handle it.

You are not alone! Unfortunately I haven't found any good ways to lessen the pain.
I haven't had problems with loud noises, but in general I always feel like the insides of my ears or itchy or hurt. It has nothing to do with noises for me though. But I never thought about it maybe having to do with my alopecia....hmmm...Especially if I have a cold or something, I am always at the doctor thinking I have an ear infection, but usually they are fine.
I don't have extra sensitive ears or eardrums, but I DO have fairly severe tinnitus. It's gotten much worse in the last 2 years since my AA went to AU. I now hear a constant high-pitched tone that keeps me awake at night and is audible to be even while listening to music or conversation. It's really annoying. I've seen audiologists who say there's nothing I can do. NO one connected it to my AU - I've never thought about it, but it has become a problem only in the last 2 years since I lost my hair. Anyone else have this?
I don't have tinnitus Mary but my sympathies to you - my dad has it. There are auditory hair cells that help transmit sound ... I dunno ... if they are made out of hair, it would seem to me logical that we alopecians would have issues with our hearing.
Thanks, Tuesday. I did ask one of my doctors about the possible effect of total hair loss on hearing, balance, etc, and he said that the cilia in the ear are not the same kind of structures as hair follicles. Really makes me wonder, though, since this tinnitus really came on at just about the time I went from being AA for 7 years, to being AU. Oh well, as I keep telling myself, there are WAY worse illnesses and problems I could have!
Interesting that this came up. I've had au since i was 2. Over the years I think I've become "overly" sensitive to many things. Loud movies, music, tv, loud voices are more irratable than ever before. Sounds like scratching on plates and blackboard type- horrible sounds are absolutely intolerable for me. My ears have exzema inside of them, if i don't remember to apply a little cortizone cream to them they'll become flakey and very itchy.

I've often thought that I'm just plain hyper sentsitve to everything because of Alopecia. To bright light. To clothing scratching on my skin, or to tight. my skin is very sensitive to any kind of dryness. My mom couldn't get me to dry the dishes as a kid, I couldn't stand the feeling of the dry towel. Sometimes, I find that going to fast is hard for me as well. At the dentist I'm their nightmare client, my teeth are soooo sensitive to air temperature, water temperature you name it.

sometimes I wonder if I'm more delicate than the average woman who doesn't have Alopecia my age. I think I am. I have 4 sisters, I'd say I'm a little weaker and a little more sensitive than all of them.
This is all very interesting ... thanks everyone for taking the time to share your stories!
Update: scheduled for a hearing test this upcoming Friday. I figured out (self diagnosis) I have "hyperacusis". I"ll see what a specialist says ... whenever I can get one to see me! (I"m in Ontario - it takes ages to see a specialist when you have a non-specific non-emergency sort of issue.



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