Hi, Have you thought about semi permanent make up, it is done with a laser like a tattoo, there are many different colours to choose from so you can pick the one closest to your skin and hair colour. I have had this done 3 times now, as I've had AA for 18 years. It's only recently in the last 7 years i found out about semi permanent make up. I went to London Harley street for my first session as I was dubious about it, and found out lots of information about it first. The treatment was quite expensive around £600, it lasts 2-4 years depending on how much you sit in the sun, as it will fade. I have had the treatment done locally now as its much cheaper about £150 for exactly the same treatment. You have a small anaesthetic around your eyebrow, it's like a gel, then choose your colour and thickness of eyebrow with your therapist and then she will laser the colour and style it to how you want. It saves putting on eyebrow pencil everyday, which in my case rubbed off so easily. It gives your face definition again like your own eyebrows do,I fully recommend having it.

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I've looked into that too! I'm strongly considering it

I looked into it awhile ago but wasn't sure. Where do you get yours done?

Firstly I went to Harley street in London to a clinic called Deborah Robson Lawrence as I was worried and needed reassurance from a professional, but it was expensive with a consultation around £700, it was excellent, very informal and a totally professional service. I had 2 lots of eyebrows done here, the second time t was a bit cheaper, but still around £500 and you I had to travel up to London as I live in Somerset. More recently I had the treatment locally with a therapist, it cost around £150, and as the eyebrows have been done twice before they just had to go over the existing eyebrow, you still can choose your colour and thickness and style you wish to have. It's a good thing I think , I really was happy with mine each time. Hope ths helps you. X

I'm getting semi-permanent eyebrow tattoos done this Saturday, June 1st. I'm planning on taking before and after photos. =)

Hey well done its so worth it, it will give you much more confidence and it looks great, I would not have had it done again if I thought it was a waste of money or not a good treatment. I need mine done again soon, let me know how you get on . :)))

Hi Kath! It's been a couple weeks now and everyone thinks they're real. Haha love it!! :))

Please let me know where you got it done? I live in Texas and would not think twice about flying to California to get it done. I would want to get it done by someone who is experienced. If this picture is the after, it does look amazing.

After almost 20 years of using a pencil I have tried permanent make up last September. Yes, I will have to refresh it in a year or two. But it gives me more confidence ever since. No mor rubbing away in a sudden. And being "normal" in the morning when I look in the mirror. Its not like I need to look "better" with lipstick and stuff (i do sometimes). Just that a major natural part of a face I want to have. An eyebrow. No, two eyebrows ;o)

I totally agree Bambamouse! The eyebrow artist was telling me how she's been doing it for over 20 years and how much has changed since she first started. For mine she embroidered individual hairs. After the scabbing and flaking came off, I couldn't believe how real they looked. I suppose I should be grateful to a superficial beauty industry which continues to innovate. =)

Great to hear, Funnybone. My permanent makeup artist did it the same way (many little hairs put under skin). The more it vanishes within the months it looks more like a unit. But still much better then doing it myself and having a different line every day or two. Other people "have to" spend their monthly money at the hair saloon. So why not spend it on the perm. makeup (as an an universalis).

I am considering it, I would just like to see it in person on someone. The other obstacle is that I am having hard time locating places in Texas, USA that perform the procedure. I am not having much success at having the pencil looking natural and staying on.

I have thought about tattoo, but I really like changing up the shape and color of my eyebrows to fit my look. I use temporary tattoo eyebrows from beauti-full-brows.com and I really like them. Some last for days. But I do like the idea of not having to do anything when I wake up in the morning. I think I would get eyeliner tattooed before eyebrows. 



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