I would like to know if anyone has done the treatments of Topical Immunotherapy, PUVA or UVB and what are the conclusions!

I already did the treatments of Topical Immunotherapy and PUVA simultaneously but I do not concluded it because I needed to wear a wig and it becomes complicated to make this kind of treatment in this condition. But I always was under the impression that could have resulted. I am trying to find out more information because I am thinking to return to do so. If someone knows something about it could share it?

(I apologize for my English :))
kisses, Rose.

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I have never had any tests done by my doctors -I "guessed" that I had it as it has all gone now!!

But if you find out anything else about it - please can you let me know?

Thanks for posting this - its made me think

Ali x
I have been doing the topical immunotherapy DCPD for about 3 months. I haven't had any positive results yet. My doctor is confused/shocked by my AU as I suddenly started loosing hair at 32! Which she says is very rare. Apparently it will take 6 months before we will know if it is working.

It's all very frustrating!
Hi Rose

I had the PUVA treatment and for me it did not work nor did the Ultra violet lamp. It may work for some but not all. I have even had the cortisone injections into my scalp but again that did not work. Will keep my fingers crossed for you though and good luck. xx



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