Hi there, I have had AU for around 5 years now and while I had aerata a while before, having AU is really a whole different kettle of fish. I thought Id start a discussion as I can see that a lot of people joining this group are developing the condition and may be unaware of the advantages and disadvantages (I stressed advantages first as AU mainly is). This may give people new to AU or people who have always had AU some funny or simple insights into how others who have had or have developed AU have coped with day to day problems and small things that can make a difference, good or bad.
O for a pair of Mr Bean /Chris De Burgh eyebrows..........I'll start the ball rolling by mentioning that my nails started to split like the pages of a book around a year into AU and that I had to cut them right back on my fingers until they strengthened again. I also found that they grew back very strong and only occasionally revert to getting brittle. On the up side I keep it lighter, I dont spend so long preening or washing or pulling spiders legs from my nostrils, unclogging the shower drain of follical debris or fretting over which type of conditioner or shampoo to use for your type! I also recently had a spurt of peach fuzz growth or the odd rogue hair that appears out of nowhere, it happens every year or so ,and I really feel hard done by having to fork out money for a pack of razors when I know Ill only ever get to use one or two in the pack before winter in derma-ville returns! I cant get over how expensive they are, now I havent bought any in a long while.....how many blades are gillette up to now, Mach 13? Another strange one is being in bed beside a woman and feeling her 'shaved' stubbly legs against your super smooth legs,very strange for an ex Grizzly Adams lookalike who could plat my body hair......on that note I will open the forum for my fellow smoothies for general banter good and bad but hopefully occasionally humorous and insightful to inspire the new to our shared life enhancing though sometimes frustrating condition!