After 7 years of limited patchy AA, I lost all my hair for the first time 11 months ago (at age 55) - complete AU, not a single hair anywhere. I just noticed hairs coming in in two limited areas: a 1/4 inch diameter patch at the outside tip of one eyebrow, and inside both my nostrils. There is no regrowth on my scalp, limbs, face or anywhere else. It was a shock to me when I noticed these small areas of regrowth, and I'm wondering if it means anything, or nothing for the future.

Because of my sudden progression to AU last year, I've assumed that I was going to be smooth for life. I've accepted it and moved on and haven't given any thought to my hair coming back one day. This tiny bit of unexpected regrowth is messing with my head! I'm spending time staring in amazement at the little hairs in a magnifying mirror. I'm fanticizing about my entire eyebrows or eyelashes coming back.

Could any of you please share like experiences and give your opinion of what this might mean in terms of regrowth?


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With my luck, my mustache hair will be the only thing to come back! After a lifetime of bleaching, plucking and waxing those pesky upper lip hairs, it's been a relief to be hairless there!
Thanks, Sandy....Yup, I'm going on 56. I still can't believe it, either! ( ;-) I've never been big on sun exposure, and I think that has something to do with the skin.

Your description isn't a black's about what I expected. Thank you for sharing it. I think I have to try to just ignore the annoying little things and not get my hopes up. Since I have tattooed eyebrows and liner, and am used to the way I look without lashes, it really doesn't matter. I WOULD like to get my nose hairs back because I've had more frequent colds since losing them, and I'm wondering if it's because of not having that filtering device up there. Anyone have an opinion on that?

Life is good, and there's so much to be happy for. Besides, if I hadn't lost my hair, I wouldn't have me all the nice alopecians like you!
Hi Mary, I also have some kind of AU, since autumn -07. No hair, no eyebrow and now I recently have lost my down lashes. I still have upper lashes but they are few but still so many it look like lashes.... I have hair in may face and under my arms (I can loose that..).
During the summer 2008 my hair started growing on my scalp. Just baby hair, no thickness at all. And I was lucky, at last my hair started growing... But after my 4 week holiday, starting wearing wig again, job, all routines... and I lost it all again.
Now have some babyhair started to grow on my browes, and this time I will wait and see.

But - never ever loose hope. I've have heard about a woman who have totally regrowe after 7 years with AU!

Have a nice day and congratulations to regrow! //Helena
Thanks, Helena!

I find myself actually kind of hoping that it doesn't come back, now that I've spent a year accepting the baldness. ( ;-)

The most important thing for me at this point is to be healthy.

I hope you don't mind the question, but are you Greek?

All the best,
I have had AU since I was 2 and I am now 26...I have three beautiful children and with each pregnancy I grew some peach fuzz but it always goes away after I give birth.;
Thanks, Natasha! I'm way past pregnancy age, so THAT'S not gonna happen. ( -;)
My folicles are still working as those tiny "grandpa" hairs are always on my head (sometimes 1 or 2 will grow to about an inch long then fall out). I have tiny upper & lower lashes and white sparce brows. Also have the lovely facial hair which is visible when the light shines just right on it so I pluck that occasionally. Thankfully no body hair. I think God knew I wouldn't be a meticulous shaver.
Good to share with you all here
Mary I aslo have little patches here and there, but they usually go away after a few months. Occasionly and eyelash or two and some eyebrows. What I have found strange is for the most part I still have to shave under my arms every 4-5 days. But other than that nothing. I do hope that means it is starting to come back for you!
Thank you Mari, and everyone for your responses so far...this is sure a weird disease, but much better than many problems one could have (as I keep reminding myself!)



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