
Alopecia Universalis

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Stronger immune systems?

Started by Laura Adams. Last reply by Simahrya Apr 7, 2019. 43 Replies


Started by Stephanie. Last reply by Simahrya Apr 7, 2019. 64 Replies

alopecia univeralisis

Started by janetparsons. Last reply by Kimmbe Oct 12, 2017. 22 Replies

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Comment by Mari on February 22, 2009 at 7:56pm
No headaches James, but I do have to say I take after my dad and sweat A lot!!!!! I do drink mt dew and will tell you if I don't have one sometime during the day I will have almost a migraine lemme tell you. Because no caffine, so you could be right, might be the coffee lol
Comment by Jeanette Andrescavage on February 22, 2009 at 4:48pm
This is all very interesting and helpful to me. I have hypothyroidism, so does my dad and my mom, my sister has had diabetes since she was 10. She is now 38. Michael is the only one with AU. He has very stippled nails, and his thumbnail comes off alot...he sucks that thumb. (btw, he's 2). I have not noticed him being oily. Chances are he'll get that from me and my italian heritage. I do notice that he doesn't sweat alot. How about you guys?
Comment by Donna on February 22, 2009 at 4:26pm
Hi Scott, I'm really sorry to hear about your sister :(
Thanks for your comments too Sandy, I have thought about pursuing the issue but although I have these auto immune conditions I appear to be very healthy and I am seldom ill.
Comment by Mari on February 22, 2009 at 4:20pm
Well I guess I am the only abnormal one then LMAO. I don't have any other health issues, just alopecia. weird! but it is nice to know I am not the only one with the constant head touching. Sometimes I worried that was why I lost my hair again, was a habit even when it grew back after my first go round with alopecia
Comment by Donna on February 22, 2009 at 4:14pm
Hi James, Funny you should say that! I have been blood tested twice for Lupus and both times my blood results came back to suggest there could be a problem, but my doctor had always said he thinks i test positive because of my other auto immune problems.
Comment by Scott Ostro on February 22, 2009 at 1:45pm
it does seem to be a connection I have AU and Thyrid problems for 15 years, my sister died of lupus.
Comment by Donna on February 22, 2009 at 6:37am
I was first AU at age 8. I've been AU/AA/AT all my life, have currently been AU for just over a year. I also have autoimmune thyroid disease and auto immune neutropenia too, guess I'm just lucky :)
Comment by baldmatt55 on February 22, 2009 at 2:44am
I have oily face and scalp too. I constantly touch my head, which to me feels bumpy, but to everyone else feels smooth. It's weird too because I have dry skin everywhere else plus I have eczema and psoriasis, yet my face and head are oily. And now that I'm a massage therapist, I do everything I can to keep my skin soft, but it stays dry. Yet somehow, my head stays oily. In fact the biggest challenge in massage therapy when I was goin through the program was not touching my face or head.
Comment by Mari on February 21, 2009 at 9:42pm
smart, never thought of that! funny since that totally makes sense lol
Comment by Mari on February 21, 2009 at 9:08pm
my scalp is oily too! I wondered if it is because I always have my hands on it though, hmmmm. Funny but I try not too constantly touch my head and neck but it is unconcious lol

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