So I thought we could start brainstorming for our first get together. I'm gonna throw a date out there...Saturday, July 19th. Please post a reply letting me know if this date works for you. If we have a good enough response then I'll go ahead and get this set up for us. Seems that so far we have a handful of folks in the city / north and a handful in the west. Being in the west myself I'm gonna go ahead and throw Lombard out there for this first get together. It's easy to get to off of highways and there are plenty of great places to eat we could choose from. Please let me know your thoughts and if the date sounds good.

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I love Lombard. I think I'm good for the 19th if it's more of an afternoonish thing...I have to double check. There are so many restaurants and places out there that we could meet at.
Thats sounds great but do you know of any public transportation from Chicago to Lombard?
My sister visits me in the city and lives in Lombard. She takes the train there. I don't know which train...I don't do public trans..but I can find out if you like.
There's a Metra station in Lombard so you could take the Metra.
Here's the link to the station information: Lombard Metra. Click the drop down to see the schedules.

I will try to find a place close to the station and I would be more than willing to pick you up if you didn't want to take a cab to wherever we meet.
sounds great, I will be sure to get if off work :)
Very funny!!! I know I live far from civilization! :( LOL
I would love to go but I'm already going to Chicago this next weekend (4th) and the following one (11th). If any of you are going to be around let me know and we can get together.
I was crazy busy last weekend and this weekend (11th) I'll be out of town for a wedding. :o(
I can do the evening.
Okay how about TGI Friday's? The address is 601 E. Butterfield Rd in Lombard. This is 4 miles from the Lombard Metra station (about 10 mins). I would be more than willing to pick anyone up from the train that doesn't want to cab or bus it to the restaurant from the train station. I checked the schedule from the city and there's a 2:40pm train (this is the Union Pacific West Line) that gets in to the Lombard station at 3:22. If we plan around that train, let's plan our get together at TGI Friday's for 4pm. Please RSVP here and let me know if you are planning to attend so that I can make reservations. I really hope some of you can make it!! Especially so I'm not sitting at the restaurant alone. LOL!
Sorry everyone I won't be able to make it that day cause I have to work that night. Maybe next time.
I want to come; but that's too early for me. I wont be off work by then.
Unfortunately, I'll be working Saturday. Have fun and I look forward to meeting everyone soon.



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