I was diagnosed with FFA a year ago. I’ve lost a lot of scalp hair since then mostly one side plus all my leg and arm hair. My eyebrows were really sparse so I started using minoxidil and the regrowth has been amazing. They’ve completely filled in. I’ve been taking finasteride for 3 months and am hoping to see results from that. 

It’s a very traumatic disease but I keep reminding myself that it’s not cancer so I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and buy a great wig when the time comes. 

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That's wonderful to hear!  No doubt the reason for your total success is that you started the minoxidil/Rogaine right away.  I was later getting my diagnosis, so later starting to work on my eyebrows.  Mine never came close to totally filling in, but they did improve quite a bit.  But here's the important bit: you MUST keep applying regularly.  I let a couple weeks slide while I was out of town, and not only lost all the progress I had made, but actually lost even more brow hairs.  And no matter how diligent I am now in applying the foam, I have not gotten a single hair to grow in again.  Like our scalps, the follicles seem to have died and sealed up for good.  I now have very smooth, white, pore-free skin where I ought to have brows.  Only 10-12 scattered, and totally colorless hairs remaining where each brow used to be.  I just want to encourage everyone to KEEP APPLYING at least every other day, FOREVER!

Thanks for the advice. I definitely don’t want to lose the regrowth that’s taken a year!

That is great news!  How long did it take before you began to notice new growth?  Are your brow hairs 'normal' or do you have to trim them?

It took about 7 months before I noticed a significant difference. I have to trim the hairs on the outside of my brows but the others are fairly normal. I use 5% minoxidil. 

Wow that's a long time.  You have been very diligent.  I am going to give it a go.  Minoxidil has been very helpful in restoring the hair on the the sides of my head.  Thank you for sharing.

So glad to hear some good news! I use minoxidil on my eyebrows too and I haven't had regrowth but they have stuck around so I am happy with that. 

This really makes me wish I would have acted sooner. I didn't seek treatment until all of my eyebrows were gone. After my thyroid test came back normal, I just kept telling myself it was a phase...a very long phase. When I was finally seen by a dermatologist, she told me to put Latisse on my brows. It didn't help at all. Of course, she also said my eyebrows did not appeared scarred, and she apparently didn't know that that's pretty typical with FFA. To think I could have saved my brows and didn't- uhg.

Of course, for those that seem to have some success, I'm happy for you.

I’m sorry to hear that. Have you tried applying minoxidil to your brow area anyway? It took a long time for mine to regrow. 

I haven't. I use it on my hairline thought. My brows have been totally gone for about 2 years now, maybe longer. I'm not sure that there's any hope for regrowth at this point. Although, I guess I have nothing to lose.

Hi Jess, have you gone down the path of microblading your eyebrows?  If so are you happy with the results?  My eye brows are disappearing..one by one..still preserveri g with castor oil..I think i am in denial

Microblading is on my radar. There are two main reasons I hold back: 1) I've had a lot of skin issues (little bumps, wrinkling) that I think are related to FFA. I also have rosacea. I want to get the skin issues cleared up first because I know things like Intense Pulsed Light therapy and retinoids may not react well with microblading. 2) I'm concerned about what it will do the skin after repeated sessions over, say, 20 years. It's fairly new, and I guess I just worry if you keep doing it over and over every couple years, the skin may atrophy or something. I don't have anything to base that on though.

Most people I've seen talk about microblading seem to love it and say they wish they would have done it sooner. I may get it one day, but for now, I'm drawing them on.

Hi Torgal, i also had the same thoughts about microblading, although i have seen fantastic results, i wondered how frequent trauma to the eyebrow area wouldn't result in scarring and then difficulty in achieving the desired result with the tattooing.  Do you have any irritation with the topical mixonidil 5%, thanks



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