
My apologies for the long back story...

I was diagnosed with FFA in 2013, when my eyebrows were almost 100% gone. The following year, I had them microbladed in NYC when the process wasn't as mainstream as it is now. Unfortunately, the pigment faded very quickly. I had it re-done by a technician in Boston in the summer of 2016, but because the color faded so quickly after the scabs went away, I was talked into having it completed via the old tattooing method (by machine rather than by hand). At first it looked fine, but it never had that cool, *real* hair-like texture. And maybe that's because I don't have a single eyebrow hair left. Also, they faded to a light reddish color in about a year. Argh!

Since then, I've just been coloring them in myself. I recently moved to NC, and I found a technician who is in the process of removing the old reddish tint so that I have them properly microbladed -- BY HAND. I'm excited but boy, is it painful and a long, expensive process. I just had my second removal procedure (it needs to be done about every 6 weeks until the color is a) mostly gone or b) is gone enough to put the new color over it. 

Anyone had their old tattoo removed so they can be microbladed? Just looking to hear others' experiences. I figure this could take up to a year because the reddish tint is so difficult to remove AND no one wants to deal with a lot of scar tissue. 

Thank you! Hope everyone is having a good week!

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Bless your heart, sounds like you are an eye brow warrior and pioneer!  What about your hairline?   Has it receded much?

i have been diagnosed a year and caught early so although my eye brows are definitely thinning, I still have enough to use a pencil to fill in the blanks.   Thank you for sharing and educating those of us who have not experienced this. 

Thanks, BubbaLu! Treasure your brows! Don't let anyone touch them! : )

My hairline is a hot mess -- lots of recession on my left, a little less on the right. I use a hair powder to fill in the lighter areas.

I think a lot of what makes FFA so tough for me is my skin is very pale and my hair is almost black. So I'm always concerned that my brows look extra fake. I had bangs for about a year and I LOVED them, but I was pregnant at the time and my surging hormones resulted in very, very thick hair (the way it looked prior to FFA) One the postpartum hair loss kicked in about 7 months after my daughter was born, my bangs thinned out so much that they wouldn't even lay flat on my head. My FFA returned with a vengeance. 

I should also add I have female pattern hair loss, so it's kind of a double whammy. 

I feel your pain! I had the old type of eyebrow tattoo and it faded very quickly. In 6 months I was drawing over what was left and in one year it was difficult to find the shape. I decided not to waste any more money and I draw them on adding an eyebrow powder over. Why does 'permanent' make-up fade so fast? False advertising! Why not get a regular tattoo that lasts a long time? Won't yours fade if you wait a while? 

I recently looked into microblading but decided against it for 3 reasons: high cost, scaring (do we really need more scaring?) and distance I have to go to get the procedure (2 hr drive each way through the mountains). Good luck!



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