I was diagnosed with LP, but I am losing hair on the sides of my scalp and wonder if I really have FFA. I also have a lot of pigmentation and spots under my arms, breasts, groin area and ankles. Does anyone have these symptoms as well. I had itching scalp until I started taking Oracea which is basically 40 mg of doxcycline. My doc recommended Plaquenil or methotrexate. I'm leary about taking that. I think my hair loss has stabilized, but it is still very thin and I wear a wig. I really need help about wigs. So far I'm not finding anything I really like. Let me know if anyone has the other pigmentation symptoms. Thanks and have a great weekend!

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Michelle, I don't have pigmentation on my body, I have not heard any other ladies mention that either. I have been losing hair since last December. I have lost about 1 inch from the front hairline and a bit more on both temples. I am gearing up to moving into wigs in January, I have used the www.wigsupport.com website to inform myself about wigs as I have never contemplated wearing one before. I am in the process of wearing wigs out with friends to practice wearing them in advance of my wearing them in the New Year. I recommend the wig support site. The ladies on there are very kind and knowledgeable. Welcome to the FFA group. x

Oddly enough, I have experienced exactly the opposite: much lighter areas where the hair has gone--to the point where I wear a wig chiefly to cover up the unpigmented parts of my skin where there is no hair on my hairline. I'm brown, so the 'white' pigmented areas really are obvious.

No under or over pigmentation on any other parts of my body--not yet anyway...

Hi, Michele. I have FFA, which is a type of LPP. FFA primarily affects post menopausal women and the hair loss is usually characterized by a band of hair loss from temple to front to temple. From what I read, the treatment is the same as LPP - controlling the inflammation and treating the symptoms of itchiness, burning and redness. I do not have "pigmentation (but I am very fair skinned). It may not be as apparent on me as someone what has a darker complexion. The doctor I visted yesterday didn't think that anibiotics such as doxy were useful for this condition. He prefers Plaquenil because it has the least side effects. I do know people who have had to take methotrexate for other auto-immune issues and one of the side effects is hair loss. I hope I helped, but I think the best advice I can give to anyone is to make sure you get to a dermatologist who has treated people with this disease.

Pam, do you wear wigs? I'm having a hard time figuring them out. Synthetic versus HH and brands etc. Any feedback would be helpful.

No. I purchased a topper right after I was diagnosed. The purchase was from sheer panic. I thought my hair loss was going to be rapid and I did not want to be caught without something. Anyway, I went to a wonderful gal who matched me up with a great match and my personal hair dresser thinned it out for me. I cant wear it because it clips on and my front scalp is so sensitive. At the end of the day it was so painful. Also, I am not a fan of how the crown looks. I feel like it lays too flat on my head. My friends think it is a perfect color and texture. I am afraid of wigs because I worry that it will slide off my head or come loose somehow. I wishbyou luck. I have heard that people wear wigs all the time and no one knows. I think you notice a wig because it is a bad one.

I think you're right. Fear of detection was the main reason I hesitated wearing a wig. But mine holds on fine with two bobby pins discreetly placed. In any case, I didn't really have much of a choice; my hairloss was getting altogether too obvious. I'm pretty upfront about wearing a wig with people, maybe too upfront, but candor works for me. People usually are surprised when they find out, and to a person, have been very supportive. Best of luck to you on your quest for a great wig@

I have had many compliments while wearing a wig. They say they love my hairstyle. Did you get it colored? Funny, I can't go without the wig, or topper with a hat sometimes. I have to accept that this is my life now and get over it. I feel blessed that otherwise I feel fine. I have many friends that have gone through major illnesses like leukemia, pancreatic problems, etc. One thing about my hairloss, it has certainly brought me closer to the Lord and I am a way stronger person now. I get more compliments now than I ever did with my real hair. It was looking pretty thin.

Everyone have a Blessed Holiday!



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