Does anyone here have done IgG blood testing for food intolerances?

I had my blood tested for 360 different kinds of foods with a so called IgG (1,2,3, and 4) test  for food intolerances (Not allergies)  2 weeks ago. I got a long list back of foods I apparently react bad to, so they are forbidden and now I follow this diet. It is too early to notice anything I guess. Since I don't notice any itching or flaking or redness (never have) and my FFA is very little active right now, (so the biopsy told) I don't want to use any medication or  steroid treatment.

The naturopathic physician who is treating me for auto immune disease in general (I only have FFA)  is also giving me acupuncture treatments and I started to meditate to reduce stress.

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I have not had any testing but believe strongly that diet and stress reduction and accupuncture were very beneficial to me. Once I eased up on those things I feel like I have thinned more. Like you, I have no symptoms...loss is very slow and subtle.

Hi MJ,

thanks for sharing, I too believe the meditation and acupuncture treatments  won't hurt and help me being less stressfull about the FFA

Hi Sas
I also had a food-intolerante blood test 2 months ago and it ended with a long list of forbidden food. i try to follow the diet, but it not always easy, specially when i'm invited or have to eat in a restaurant. I'm not sure if it has an impact on my FFA..
A lot of my forbidden food is concidered to be anti-inflammatory food like ginger or papaya
Anyway i try to eliminate some food and hope it has somehow an influence on my well-being
But sometimes I also have Joker-days:-)
I think we try everything to stop the hair loss but right now i have my doubts
Greeting from Switzerland

Hi Charlotte,

I am going to Switzerland (skiing in Haute-Nendaz) next week myself and the  fresh air, beautiful mountains and snow also makes me very relaxed!

Yes my forbidden list is also a bit confusing because all the nightshades vegetables (of which are  said not to be good for autoimmune diseases at all, are on my "good list" and turmeric for instance is now forbidden.

Before this I tried the Auto immune Protocol diet for 5 weeks which really was very very restrictive. Now I am aloud to eat one sort of bread, spelt, not sure if you know it? So I can have breakfast/lunch with bread again.  There is also pasta from this spelt. Also rice is aloud again. Wheat is still forbidden though.

Well I think I am going to try this for at least 6 months and see how it goes. I indeed find it difficult eating in a restaurant because of all the spices that are forbidden and because  green olives are forbidden for me and I think that includes olive oil then (because I don't know if that' is made from green or black olives)

good luck!

I wish you wonderful skiing-holidays! Haute-Nendaz is a very nice place to be. 

I'm allowed to eat wheat, but not milk-products (casein free) which is very hard for me, since being Swiss I love cheese, yoghurts, chocolates :-) for my muesli I take rice milk and it's ok. no olives for me, too. and I have always thought olive oil is healthy. ...

I think we should try to eliminate the "bad stuff" as good as we can, but also in a "healthy" manner. I don't want to be considered being too complicated (if you know what I mean)

in another post you wrote about a hair piece - did you already wear it?

take care

Hi Charlotte,

I understand you completely; Idon't want to be to complicated too!

Wellthe hairpiece was a cheap clip-in fringe from internet and it looks horrible on me, because the hair is very straight. I really had to laugh when I put it in
But on the other hand makes me sad. I wonder if there are clip in fringes that match my curls a bit

But since I don'tneed it yet, I let it restfor a bit for now. Not looking to active, although my hairdresser said she will ask around for curly clip in fringes



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