I am so scared. I found out Tuesday afternoon - I remember my stomach dropping, and immediately calling my mother in the States. She has a beautiful thick head of hair at age 77. I feel ill still - physically. Nauseous. I keep looking at my hairline, obsessively. I now of course look at all other women's hairlines - mostly with envy.
Tomorrow, going back to the hairdresser who strongly encouraged me to consult someone. When I walked in, I showed him the receding hairline on the top of my head, and he said "oh it's progressed". When I left the salon, I sobbed - lucky I wasn't alone. My friend said that it's not very noticeable, and she can only see it b/c she knew me from before with a lot of thick, curly hair. She added that the hair guy could see it b/c it's his job...
I am terrified of the progression. How can I continue to work? I even called the Lucinda ellory people in London. I don't live in the UK - I can't go there 8 times a year for the rest of my life...
I know I am getting ahead of myself...
Here in France, they give hair grafts for FFA. I would totally do that if I have to.
Thank you for listening. Am going back to the hair salon tomorrow for more advice, and hopefully solutions to hide it.

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I am sorry that you are going through this. I have only known for a short time but I have been losing for several years.

Do the hair grafts work? Do you have to wait for it to burn out?
I suppose I'm going to find our. Meanwhile I need to calm down, but this is upsetting me profoundly. I hope I can start to take it better soon...

I am so sorry that you are here with us, this disease just seems to suck the self esteem out of you doesn't it? I have also been to Lucinda Ellery's here in NYC, it is an option, a great option actually and several ladies here have the intralace system, but the traveling/expense is something that is making it not an option for me at this time.  Has your doctor prescribed you anything for the symptoms (if you have any besides the hair loss)  sadly there is really nothing that will stop FFA from progressing, it will either go slow or fast until it has burned itself out.  Another sad thing is that this is a scarring hair follicle loss, so hair grafts/implants will not work as the hair follicle will not grow.  We are all here for you and have been in your shoes, so come on whenever you need to talk- 

** edit to add that I just saw your other thread, you are getting great advice from the great women here!

Yes that info about the grafts is confusing- b/c there's a doctor in Paris who has an article of a transplant he did on a woman in her 60's with FFA. I can link to it but it's all in French. In any case, there's a specialized hair center in Paris and I have an appt there (where this doctor is as well) end of July. I am also leery of taking more medicine internally - side effects seem to love me a lot.
I am taking this hard b/c I also suffert from derpession/anxiety. One of the medicines I was taking for the depression is Ritalin. It's not common but it helps my depression. My doctor looked at the list of side effects - one of them is "alopecia"- and said to stop it. Even if it's not necessarily related, you never know.
I hope that I will be able to calm down and realize I am powerless over it. There isn't the interlace programme here but other things - I am looking into these today. It helps to know my options as I go through this.
Am still exhausted and nauseous. But Alive.
I'd love to see the article (even if Imhave to translate it).
Cool! There are before and after pictures too: http://www.bouhanna.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/alopecie-frontal...



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